Universitat de ValènciaHealth and Safety and the Environment Service Logo del portal

Before contracting external companies to carry out work in the UV facilities, you should know the regulations on the Coordination of Business Activities and the specific Technical Instruction.


These regulations allow us to guarantee the safety conditions when 2 or more companies carry out their work in the same workplace in order to avoid or minimise the risks that the confluence and interaction of these works may entail.

Remember that it is compulsory to notify the Health and Safety Service in advance and prior to the start of the work, the contracting of companies that access the UV facilities so that they can verify that they comply with all the regulations required in terms of prevention and coordinate their actions in a coherent and responsible manner, ensuring the application of correct working methods and establishing additional preventive measures if necessary.

The required forms to carry out this communication are available for authorised personnel in the disk space corresponding to each campus

  • Prevenbur
  • Prevenblasco
  • Preventaron


You can find further information by consulting the following documentation