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Semiconductors & Extreme Conditions Unit
Name Profile Contact CV

Daniel Errandonea Ponce

Daniel Errandonea, born in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 1967, is responsible for the leadership and management of the Extreme Conditions Unit at Universidad de Valencia. He received the B.Sc. and Ms.Sc. degrees from Universidad de Buenos Aires and the Ph.D. degree from Universidad de Valencia. He is Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, Universidad de Valencia. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Max-Planck Institute in Mainz (Germany) and Geophysical Laboratory (US). He is member of the Executive Committee of the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT), the Scientific Panels of Diamond (UK) and DESY (Germany) Synchrotrons, and the MALTA Consolider Consortium.

Daniel Errandonea has been involved with High-Pressure Research for over 25 years. His experimental work with materials under extreme conditions of pressure and temperature is mainly focused in ternary oxides, metals, semiconductors, and technological materials. He has published more than 270 scientific articles, having and h-index of 50.


Phone:+34 96 354 4475


David Santamaría Perez

David Santamaria-Perez, born in Burgos (Spain) in 1977, received the B.Sc. degree from University de Burgos and the Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University Carlos III of Madrid. Currently, he is Ramon y Cajal Fellow in the Department of Applied Physics and the Institute of Material Science of the University of Valencia (ICMUV) and is the leader of the “Carbonates at extreme conditions” research line. Previously, he was postdoctoral researcher at Max-Planck Institute of Chemistry (Germany), University Complutense of Madrid, the University College London (UK) and the University of California Los Angeles, UCLA (USA).

David Santamaria-Perez has been involved in experiments that have allowed (i) rationalizing the structures of minerals, (ii) redetermining the phase diagram and thermodynamical parameters of metals and alloys, and (iii) unveiling novel structures. He has published 95 scientific articles and 5 book chapters, having and h-index of 25.


Phone:+34 96 354 4136


Chantal Ferrer Roca

Chantal Ferrer Roca



Phone:+34 96 354 4792



Domingo Martínez García



Phone:+34 96 354 4617


Julio Pellicer Porres

Julio Pellicer Porres



Phone:+34 96 354 3432


Simone Anzellini

Simone Anzellini, born in Rome (Italy) in 1984, received his bachelor and master degrees in Physics from the University of RomaTre, in 2007 and 2010, respectively. In 2014 he was awarded a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Paris VI -UPMC La Sorbonne (France) and CEA-DAM-DIF. Currently, as owner of a Grant for the Talented Researchers Support Program – CIDEGENT, from the Generalitat Valenciana, he works in the Applied Physics Department and Institute of Material Science of the University of Valencia (ICMUV). He is the leader of the “Systematic of Transition Metals Under Extreme Conditions of Pressure and Temperature” research line. Previously, he was a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at Diamond Light Source Ltd. and, successively, a Beamline Scientist at the Extreme Conditions Beamline - I15 of Diamond Light Source Ltd.  

Simone Anzellini has extensive experience on Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy techniques coupled with laser-heated and resistively heated Diamond Anvil Cells. He has led (or been part of) numerous projects, leading to the characterization of the phase diagrams, equation of states and melting lines of various transitions metals of geophysical and physical importance. He has published 39 peer-reviewed scientific articles and edited a research book, having more than 1600 citations, with a h-index of 18.


Alfredo Segura García del Río



Phone:+34 96 354 4792



Laboratory of Fiber Optics
Name Profile Contact CV


Miguel V. Andrés Bou

Miguel V. Andrés was born in Valencia (Spain) in 1957. He is Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Valencia and responsible for the leadership and management of the Group of Fiber Optics at the University of Valencia. He received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Valencia, Spain, in 1979 and 1985, respectively. After a postdoctoral stay (1984-1987) at the Department of Physics, University of Surrey, U.K., he founded the Group of Fiber Optics at the University of Valencia. His current research interests include photonic crystal fibers, in-fiber acousto-optics, fiber lasers and new fiber-based light sources, fiber sensors, microwave photonics, and waveguide theory. His research activity includes an increasing number of collaborations with Latin America universities and research institutes of Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, and Peru, among others.

Research Areas:
Optical fibers; In-fiber Acousto-optics; Photonic Crystal Fibers; Whispering Gallery Mode Resonators; Fiber Lasers.

Research ID: M-2555-2014, ORCID: 0000-0003-0103-8644


Phone: +34 96 35




José Luis Cruz Muñoz

Jose Luis Cruz-Muñoz was born in Cuenca (Spain) in 1964. He received the Ph. Degree in Physics from the University of Valencia (Spain) in 1992. Initially his career focused on microwave devices for radar applications, afterwards, he joined the Optoelectronics Research Center of the University of Southampton (UK) where he was working in optical fiber fabrication and he is currently Professor of the Applied Physics Department at the University of Valencia where he is conducting research on fiber lasers and amplifiers, photonic crystal fibers, fiber gratings, microwave photonics and sensors. He is co-inventor of six patents related with the above mentioned topics, has published over 160 papers in international journals and more than 200 in conferences. He is OSA member and he regularly acts as reviewer of Elsevier, IEEE and OSA journals, institutions for whom he has reviewed more than 100 manuscripts. He has also been Vice-Dean of the Physics Faculty and Director of the Applied Physics Department for thirteen years.

Research Areas:
Optical Fibers; In-Fiber Gratings; Fiber Lasers; Photonic Crystal Fibers

Research ID: E-8384-2016, ORCID: 0000-0002-4360-9989


Phone: +34 96 35




Antonio Díez Cremades

Antonio Díez-Cremades is Professor at the Department of Applied Physics, University of Valencia, Spain. He is a member of the Laboratory of Fiber Optics. He received his PhD degree in physics in 1998 from the University of Valencia, Spain, where he was involved in the design and fabrication of optical fiber sensors. While doing his PhD, he did several stays at the Optoelectronic Research Centre, Southampton, U.K. In 1999 he joined the Optoelectronics Research Group at the University of Bath, U.K, for two years, where he was engaged in research on acousto-optic effects in standard fibers and in photonic crystal fibers. His current research interests include photonic crystal fibers, fiber lasers, optical fiber devices for signal processing, and optical sensors. He is coauthor of over 120 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals on waveguide propagation and optical fiber technology, and he holds 7 patents.

Research Areas:
Optical Fibers; Acousto-optic Devices; Photonic Crystal Fibers; Nonlinear Optics, Whispering Gallery Modes

Research ID: E-7224-2015, ORCID: 0000-0003-1045-0411


Phone: +34 96 35




Enrique Silvestre Mora

Enrique Silvestre-Mora was born in Valencia, Spain, in 1962. He received the B.Sc. degree in physics, M.Sc. degree in theoretical physics, M.Sc. degree in optics, and Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Valencia, Spain, in 1986, 1989, 1997, and 1999, respectively.Since 1997, he has served as Assistant Profess or and Associate Professor with the Department of Optics, University of Valencia. From 1999 to 2000 he was with the Department of Physics, University of Bath, U.K., in a postdoctoral stay. His research interests are waveguide theory, photonic crystal fibers, silicon photonics, fiber lasers, and optical coherence.

Research Areas:
Waveguide theory; Photonic crystal fibers; Fiber lasers; Optical coherence

Research ID: I-4434-2012, ORCID: 0000-0002-4092-8597


Phone: +34 96 35



Martina Delgado Pinar

Martina Delgado-Pinar is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the LFO. She received her Ph.D. degree in 2008 from the Universitat de València. Her thesis work was focused on the design and fabrication of all-fiber acousto-optic devices and their applications, and on the fabrication and characterization of photonic crystal fibers. In 2008-2012 she joined the Centre for Photonics and Photonics Materials at the University of Bath, UK, where she worked in the study and characterization of second- and third-order nonlinear effects in tapered optical fiber. She joined back to the LFO in 2013, as a Juan de la Cierva researcher in a first stage, and as a senior researcher afterwards. She is associate lecturer at the Applied Physics Department from 2015. Currently, her research interests include whispering gallery modes and their applications, optomechanics, nonlinear optics, and biophotonics and biosensing.

Research Areas:
In-fiber Acousto-Optics; Whispering Gallery Modes; Biophotonics; Nonlinear Optics; Photonic Crystal Fibers

Research ID: K-2226-2015, ORCID: 0000-0002-0339-5090


Phone: +34 96 35



David Castelló Lurbe

David Castelló Lurbe

David Castelló-Lurbe is a María Zambrano senior postdoctoral fellow at the LFO. He received his PhD degree in physics from UV in 2014, and joined Brussels Photonics (B-PHOT) Laboratories at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 2015, where he obtained a Research Foundation-Flanders senior postdoctoral fellowship in 2019. His research focuses on nonlinear optics in guiding media, with a particular interest in the physics of supercontinuum generation (SCG). His contributions to this field include a theory accounting for graphene's nonlinear response in on-chip waveguides, the derivation of a general method for measuring the soliton number, a formalism to study SCG analytically, and the first prediction of coherent SCG in the long pulse regime. Some of these achievements have been published in Nature Communications, Laser & Photonics Reviews, and highlighted as Editors' Pick in Optics Letters.

Research Areas:
Nonlinear optics in waveguides

Research ID: E-8384-2016, ORCID: 0000-0002-4478-1238


Phone: +34 96 35




Optoelectronic Materials and Devices Unit
Name Profile Contact CV


Prof. Dr. Juan P. Martínez Pastor

A Full Professor at the University of Valencia, he is the author/co-author of more than 120 research papers in different international journals and conference proceedings. Since 1996 he has or is supervising 12 PhD thesis, 12 masters/undergraduate projectse works all of them in the research field of quantum nanostructures and photonic/plasmonic structures. Since 1996, he has led 7 national projects, 4 bilateral integrated actions (France, Tunisia, Morocco), and participated in the European Network SANDIE. He is also an R&D consultant for InteNanoMat S.L.

Teaching Webpage

ResearchGate Webpage


Phone:+34 96 354 4793



Dr. Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo

He is integrated in the unit of research of Optoelectronic Materials and Devices (UMDO) and is responsible for the Lowdim research line at the Materials Science Institute (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia, Spain. He received the B.S., and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the University of Valencia in 1992 and 1998, respectively. During his PhD, he performed two research stays at the Hahn-Meitner Institute of Berlin (Germany). After a postdoctoral stay (1999-2001) at the French-Spanish beamline at the LURE Synchrotron, France, he started a research line devoted to the electronic characterization of materials by photoemission (UPS and XPS) at the Valencia University. Since 2002, he currently serves as Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Physics, University of Valencia. During this last period, he has also performed several research stays at SOLEIL Synchrotron (France) and at University of California Berkeley (USA). His current research interests include two-dimensional materials (layered semiconductors, topological insulators, and graphene), electronic and optoelectronic characterization of low-dimensional materials and related devices.

Teaching Webpage

ResearchGate Webpage

Lowdim Research Line


