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The exhibition “Room Art 2012. Alrededor del papel” (Room Art 2012. Around paper) is of collective nature and was born from the platform Room Art, a research, study and support project for emerging artistic productions driven by the company Romeu along with the Institute of Creativity and Educational Innovations of the University of Valencia and with the collaboration of the Documentation Centre of Valencian Contemporary Art and the Universitat Politècnica de València.

In the exhibition, a total of 12 prestigious young Valencian artists participate, who offer views on the influence of paper in the current scene of Valencian art. For this, each of them has represented a month of the year.

  • Sara H. Peñalver
  • Antonio Linde Ortí
  • Sergi Cambrils
  • Anna Talens
  • Xavier Alcàcer
  • Cristina Gamón
  • Toni Costa Mengual
  • Beatriz Carbonell
  • Jesús Rivera
  • Irene Grau
  • Carlos Mondrià
  • Eva Mengual

Moreover, the academic reflections and aesthetic evaluations by critics such as Joan Robledo Palop, Ion Cía Álvaro, Manuel Garrido, Daniel Gascó García, José Luis Giner, Ignacio Moreno, Tina Pastor Ibañez, Virginia LLopis, Maria Marco, Silvia Tena, Johanna Moreno and Belen Romero, will complement the exhibition.

The exhibition “Room Art 2012. Alrededor del papel” is of free access and it can be visited from Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00, at the exhibition room of the UPV (Office of the Principal building, 1st floor, until 14 February 2012.