Universitat de ValènciaInstituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV) Logo del portal

  • LiCrO2 under pressure: In-situ structural and vibrational studies

    Garg, Alka B.; Errandonea, Daniel; Pellicer-Porres, Julio; Martinez-Garcia, Domingo; Kesari, Swayam; Rao, Rekha; Popescu, Catalin; Bettinelli, Marco


    Crystals, 9, 1, 2.

    DOI: 10.3390/cryst9010002
    ISBN: 2073-4352
    ISSN: 20734352
  • Extraction of aflatoxins by using mesoporous silica (type UVM-7), and their quantitation by HPLC-MS

    Pellicer-Castell, Enric; Belenguer-Sapiña, Carolina; Borràs, Vicent J.; Amorós, Pedro; El Haskouri, Jamal; Herrero-Martínez, José Manuel; Mauri-Aucejo, Adela R.


    Microchimica Acta, 186, 12, 792.

    DOI: 10.1007/s00604-019-3958-8
    ISBN: 0026-3672
    ISSN: 14365073
  • Ceria/polymer nanocontainers for high-performance encapsulation of fluorophores

    Katta, Kartheek; Busko, Dmitry; Avlasevich, Yuri; Landfester, Katharina; Baluschev, Stanislav; Muñoz-Espí, Rafael


    Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 10, 522-530.

    DOI: 10.3762/BJNANO.10.53
    ISBN: 2190-4286
    ISSN: 21904286
  • Tunable Four-Wave Mixing Light Source Based on Photonic Crystal Fibers with Variable Chromatic Dispersion

    Velazquez-Ibarra, Lorena Diez, Antonio Silvestre, Enrique Andres, Miguel V.


    Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37, 22, 5722-5726.

    DOI: 10.1109/JLT.2019.2944215
    ISBN: 0733-8724
    ISSN: 15582213
  • Control of the pore wall thickness and thermal stability in low-cost bimodal porous silicas

    Morales, José Manuel; El Haskouri, J.; Guillem, Carmen; Hany, R.; Ros-Lis, José Vicente; Beltrán, Daniel; Beltrán, Aurelio; Amorós, P.


    Polyhedron, 170, 544-552.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.poly.2019.06.031
    ISBN: 0277-5387
    ISSN: 0277-5387
  • Unrestricted generation of pure two-qubit states and entanglement diagnosis by single-qubit tomography

    Gonzales, J.; Sánchez, P.; Auccapuclla, F.; Miller, B.; Andrés, M. V.; De Zela, F.


    Optics Letters, 44, 13, 3310.

    DOI: 10.1364/ol.44.003310
    ISBN: 0146-9592
    ISSN: 0146-9592
  • In situ characterization of the high pressure – high temperature melting curve of platinum

    Anzellini, Simone; Monteseguro, Virginia; Bandiello, Enrico; Dewaele, Agnès; Burakovsky, Leonid; Errandonea, Daniel


    Scientific Reports, 9, 1, 13034.

    DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-49676-y
    ISBN: 2045-2322
    ISSN: 20452322
  • Monoclinic-tetragonal-monoclinic phase transitions in Eu0.1Bi0.9VO4 under pressure

    Errandonea, D.; Garg, A. B.; Pellicer-Porres, J.; Martinez-Garcia, D.; Popescu, C.


    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 31, 48, 485401.

    DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab3c31
    ISBN: 0953-8984
    ISSN: 1361648X
  • Many-body perturbation theory calculations using the yambo code

    Sangalli, D. Ferretti, A. Miranda, H. Attaccalite, C. Marri, I. Cannuccia, E. Melo, P. Marsili, M. Paleari, F. Marrazzo, A.; Prandini, G.; Bonfà, P.; Atambo, M. O.; Affinito, F.; Palummo, M.; Molina-Sánchez, A.; Hogan, C.; Grüning, M.; Varsano, D.; Marini, A.


    Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 31, 32, 325902.

    DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ab15d0
    ISBN: 0953-8984
    ISSN: 1361648X
  • Q-switching and mode locking pulse generation from an all-fiber ring laser by intermodal acousto-optic bandpass modulation

    Hernandez-Escobar, E; Bello-Jimenez, M; Lopez-Estopier, R; Camarillo-Aviles, A; Pottiez, O; Garcia-Ramirez, M A; Duran-Sanchez, M; Ibarra-Escamilla, B; Andres, M V


    Laser Physics, 29, 1, 15101.

    DOI: 10.1088/1555-6611/aaed32
    ISBN: 1054-660X