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PhD Students Coffee Time: Olga Novillo

  • 19 diciembre de 2019
olga novillo

El próximo jueves 19/12/2019 a las 15:00h en la Sala Reuniones SS6 (Edificio de Cabecera, Semisótano), Olga Novillo Zoología marina) nos hablará sobre el tema: "Pollutants and marine megafauna: microplastics, pesticides and other horror stories".

She says:

Microplastics are an emergent pollutant that have colonised every environmental compartment, disrupting nurturing processes and being potentially dangerous at the cellular level. Their abundance in different organisms depends largely on their trophic ecology, their proximity to the coasts and the type of industries in these coasts. Nowadays, it looks like microplastics have monopolized the marine pollution discourse, but not only them pose a threat to marine fauna. Other pollutants, such as heavy metals and pesticides also play a role in marine ecosystem’s health. We explore the presence of a range of contaminants in several wild and non-commercial species (loggerhead turtles, striped dolphins, mictophids and some rays) with the aim of picturing contaminant distribution in the Mediterranean Sea and highlight the need of integrating different disciplines to know how to properly address mitigation measures.

Links: Flyer

