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PhD Students Coffee Time: Zahida Sultanova

  • 30 enero de 2020
Zahida Sultanova

El próximo jueves 30/01/2020 a las 15:00h en la Sala Reuniones SS6 (Edificio de Cabecera, Semisótano), Zahida Sultanova (Etología) nos hablará sobre el tema: "The Unbearable Lightness of Being an International Researcher".

She says:

Academic research is becoming more and more international every day. It is impossible not to notice the increasing number of international PhD students/Post-docs in our research group or in our neighbors. Moreover, as junior researchers, most of us have already started looking for opportunities to do a scientific stay or post-doc in another country. Despite its benefits such as doing projects with wonderful scientists around the world, gaining access to specialized laboratory equipment and having higher funding opportunities, being an international researcher might not be as ideal as it seems. Getting adapted to a new environment, communicating in a new language and sometimes simply bureaucracy can easily destroy our motivation to do science. As one of the many international PhD students in ICBIBE, I am going to give a brief talk about the costs and benefits of being an international researcher. This will be followed by an interactive session where we can discuss how to improve international research in Spain, European Union or all around the World.

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