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SEMINAR(i): Understanding variation in mechanisms of immune defence in wild animals

  • 19 mayo de 2022
Elena Arriero

Next Thursday 19 May 2022 12:00 am on the Seminar Room - SS6 (Institutes building floor -1), Dra. Elena Arriero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) will give a Seminar on "Understanding variation in mechanisms of immune defence in wild animals ".


Understanding variation in mechanisms of immune defence in wild animals 

WHO?: Dra. Elena Arriero (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

LANGUAGE?: English.

WHEN?: Thursday 19/05/2022 - 12:00 am.

WHERE?: Seminar Room - SS6 (Institutes building floor -1) 


All kinds of organisms suffer from the attack of pathogens throughout their lives. The first and perhaps most obvious mechanism to minimize the negative impact of pathogenic infections is avoiding exposure or reducing contact with parasites and pathogens. But once infected, there is enormous variation in how different individuals respond to disease, be they humans, livestock or wild animals.

Understanding the mechanisms behind the large variation observed in how animals fight infectious diseases under natural conditions remains as one of the major scientific challenges across multiple disciplines, including veterinary, human medicine, evolutionary biology and conservation biology. I will discuss concepts of tolerance and resistance, and their role in disease ecology, and present examples of studies examining variation in defence mechanisms at individual, population or species level, using wild birds as model systems.  




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