Universitat de ValènciaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaInteruniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development Logo del portal

General contact: idm@upv.es

Universitat Politècnica de València (Vera Campus)

Below we find an interactive map of the UPV where each IDM is placed. 

Chemistry field: 5M Building
Contact E-mail
Ramón Martínez Mañez rmaez@qim.upv.es
Ángel Maquieira Catalá amaquieira@qim.upv.es
Electronic field: 7E Building
Contact E-mail
Eduardo García Breijo egarciab@eln.upv.es
Electronic field: 7F Building
Contact E-mail
Francisco Gimeno Sales fjgimeno@eln.upv.es

You can easily access the campus thanks to the bus system of the EMT enterprise. The interactive map you can see where the closest stops to the campus are. Additionally, you will find copious information on the lines, rates, type of ticket and pass, frequency, special services for disabled people, etc.