IDM has developed its tasks for over 25 years and, hence, has very consolidated research lines in its different areas: development of chemical sensors, studies on pharmacodynamics, new materials for controlled release, analytical methodologies and microelectronic equipment
De centre is always willing to collaborate with other researching groups, both in Spain or abroad which is why it works at a great quantity of projects with national and European enterprises.
Following its researches, the IDM supports:
- Synthesis, preparation and characterization of materials
- Development of sensors and electronic tools for monitoring water’s quality.
- Development of fluorescent reagents and change of colour for analysis.
- Immunosensors reading systems and biochips.
- Studies on pharmacoinflammatory.
- Transdermal penetration studies, absorption studies through the gastrointestinal membrane (vascular, basal, sublingual)
- Pharmacocinetical evaluation for plasma concentration through time.
- Studies on pharmaceutical form pre-formulations
- Consulting for photovoltaic solar installations connected to the electrical grid.
- Consulting and technical assistance on the area of optimization for distributing networks.
- Quality criteria and metrological tools (personalized programme development) applied to researching labs and collaborating enterprises.
- Research and development of (bio)analytical methods of high performance; compounds of interest in environmental samples and bioactive molecules.
- Molecular bio-interaction and computational simulation models, either independent or as a support for experimental results.
For any consult, do not doubt to contact us at: