Universitat de ValènciaUniversitat Politècnica de ValènciaInteruniversity Research Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development Logo del portal



The Interuniversity Institute for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development was created by the Valencian Government (DECREE 163/2015, 25th September, DOGV 29th September). It was the result of the cooperation between the Institute of Applied Molecular Science (IQMA) of the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Research Structure for Molecular Recognition and Technological Development of the Universitat de València. IDM is a Joint Centre of Interdisciplinary Researchers. It is the first interuniversity centre in the Valencian Community and is integrated by researchers of both Valencian State universities (UPV y UV).

IDM deals with a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary knowledge. It counts on specialists in the fields of Analytical, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry; Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Technology, Electronical Engineering and Electronics. The objectives of IDM are research, education and transference of knowledge in fields such as human health, security, food and environment. Particularly, they work for developing chemical sensors, biosensors, Pharmacodynamics, new materials for the controlled distribution of medicines and other compounds, analytical methodologies and micro-electrical devices.  It also considers the possibility to conduct projects with private companies in subjects linked to chemical and electronical sensors, the creation and analysis of products and raw materials, and the assessment of medicines. They do the work from a R&D perspective but do not discard other opportunities and lines of action (such as the use of nanotechnological systems). Additionally, IDM has a strategic vocation to consolidate its researching experience and transferring the results to the closer productive environment.

The four strategic objectives of IDM are:

  1. Having interdisciplinary and interuniversity workgroups. The first objective is to improve the knowledge and experience of the professors and researchers of the Universitat de València-EG and the Universitat Politècnica de València, whose interests are similar. In this way, cooperation improves the efficiency of different types of work.
  2. Stablishing a solid and competitive structure. It is expected to become a quality, competitive and prestigious centre in the Valencian Community and Spain.
  3. Creating Networking strategies. The IDM promotes the creation of mechanisms of cooperation with other similar national or international centres. The relationships with other centres have already grown stronger.
  4. Guiding the scientific-technological capabilities in order to export its results. Thanks to the identification of the strong points of the institute, several companies from different sectors can be considered for joint company-IDM projects.