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Sambori Award 2023: 20th university short story competition in Catalan language
Sambori Award 2023: 20th university short story competition in Catalan language

The Fundació Sambori, in collaboration with the University of Valencia, the Politechnic University of Valencia, the University of Alacant, the University Jaume I and the University Miguel Hernández, announces the 20th university short story competition in Catalan language PREMI SAMBORI 2023, aimed at students of Valencian public universities, in accordance with the following rules:

1. All students enroled in the academic year 2022-2023 in any of the degrees (bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees) can participate in this competition.

2. Only one work can be submitted per author, which must be original, unpublished, not awarded or pending resolution in any other competition and with a language quality appropriate to the level. Works may be collectively authored.

3. The works must be between 1 and 5 DIN A4 pages in length and must be written in Catalan, in Arial 12 font and 1.5 line spaced. The works must be submitted on computer support.

4. Works must be submitted by 15 March 2023 by e-mail to The work must be sent in an attached PDF file, with the same title, and the participation form with the author's details (as in the triptych of the rules) in another PDF file called "full de participació".

5. The Sambori Universitari Jury will be made up of people designated by the Fundació Sambori from universities.

6. The Sambori Awards ceremony will be held at the end of May 2023. You can find all the information on the Sambori website.

7. The Jury will award three main prizes. The first prize will be 1,000 euros, the second prize 750 euros and the third prize 500 euros. If there are extra prizes, they will be worth 250 euros each. The winning stories and extra prizes will be published in the "Arc de Sant Martí" collection published by the Fundació Sambori and may also be published on the website.

8. The publication rights of the winning works will form part of the assets of the competition organisers. However, the winners may make use of the texts provided that they state the award received.

9. The Sambori Universitari Jury will resolve all questions not foreseen in these rules.

10. The jury's decision will be final.

Download the rules and the application form. More information at


Date From 11 january 2023 to 15 march 2023. 24h. Every day.


Fundació Sambori

Organized by

Fundació Sambori.



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