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Publicacions 2011
Vernia, S., Heredia, M., Criado, O., Rodriguez de Córdoba, S., Garcia-Roves, P., Cansell, C., Denis R., Luquet, S., Foufelle, F., Ferre, P. and Sanz, P. Laforin, a dual specificity phosphatase involved in Lafora disease, regulates insulin response and whole body energy balance in mice. Hum. Mol. Genet., 20, 2571-2584 (2011).
Guerrero, R., Vernia, S., Sanz, R., Abreu-Rodriguez, I., Almaraz, C., Garcia-Hoyos, M., Michelucci, R., Tassinari, CA., Riguzzi, P., Nobile, C., Sanz, P., Serratosa, J.M. and Gomez-Garre, P. A PTG variant contributes to a milder phenotype in Lafora disease. PLoS ONE, 6, e21294 (2011).
Couarch, P., Vernia, S., Gourfinkel-An, I., Lesca, G., Gataullina, S., Fedirko, E., Trouillard, O., Depienne, Ch., Dulac, O., Steschenko, D., Leguern, E., Sanz, P. and Baulac, S. Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy: NHLRC1 mutations affect glycogen metabolism J. Mol. Medicine, 89, 915-925 (2011).
Romá-Mateo, C., Moreno, D., Vernia, S., Rubio, T., Travis, B.M., Gentry, M.S. and Sanz, P. Lafora disease E3-ubiquitin ligase malin is related to the TRIM family of proteins at both the phylogenetic and functional level. BMC Evol. Biol.,11, 225 (2011).
Dukhande, VV., Rogers, D.M., Romá-Mateo, C., Donderis, J., Marina, A., Taylor, AO., Sanz, P. and Gentry, MS. Laforin, the Lafora disease glucan phosphatase, is predominately a monomer and possesses full phosphatase activity PLoS ONE, 6, e24040 (2011).
Romá-Mateo, C., Solaz-Fuster, M.C., Gimeno-Alcañiz, J.V., Dukhande, V., Donderis, J., Worby, C.A., Marina, A., Criado, O., Koller, A., Rodriguez de Cordoba, S., Gentry, M.S. and Sanz, P. Laforin, a dual specificity protein phosphatase involved in Lafora disease, is phosphorylated at Ser25 by AMP-activated protein kinase. Biochem J., 439, 265-275 (2011).
Tolosa L, Bonora-Centelles A, Donato MT, Mirabet V, Pareja E, Negro A, López S, Castell JV, Gómez-Lechón MJ. Influence of platelet lysate on the recovery and metabolic performance of cryopreserved human hepatocytes upon thawin. Transplantation 27:1340-46 (2011)
García-Cañaveras JC, Donato MT, Castell JV, Lahoz A. A comprehensive untargeted metabonomic analysis of human steatotic liver tissue by RP and HILIC chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry reveals important metabolic alterations Journal Proteome Research 10(10):4825-34 (2011)
Mansego ML, Solar GD, Alonso MP, Martínez F, Sáez GT, Escudero JC, Redón J, Chaves FJ. Polymorphisms of antioxidant enzymes, blood pressure and risk of hypertension. J Hypertens., 29(3) 492-500. (2011)
Dalli E, Colomer E, Tormos MC, Cosín-Sales J, Milara J, Esteban E, Sáez G.Crataegus laevigata decreases neutrophil elastase and has hypolipidemic effect: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Phytomedicine; 18(8-9); 769-775. (2011)
Castañer O, Fitó M, López-Sabater MC, Poulsen HE, Nyyssönen K, Schröder H, Salonen JT, De la Torre-Carbot K, Zunft HF, De la Torre R, Bäumler H, Gaddi AV, Saez GT, Tomás M, Covas MI; for the EUROLIVE Study Group. The effect of olive oil polyphenols on antibodies against oxidized LDL. A randomized clinical trial. Clin Nutr., 30(4): 490-493 (2011)
Maria L. Mansego, Josep Redon, Sergio Martínez-Hervás, Jose T Real, Fernando Martinez,Sebastian Blesa, Veronica Gonzalez-Albert, Guillermo Saez, Chaves FJ.Different Impacts of Cardiovascular Risk Factors On Oxidative Stress Int.J. of Biomolecules 2011 Int J Mol Sci;12(9):6146-63. Epub 2011 Sep 20, (2011)
Vercher, M.P.; García-Martínez, J.M.; Cantón, E.; Pemán, E.; Gomez-Garcia, M.M.; Valentín-Gómez, E.; Del Castillo Agudo, L. Differentiation of Candida parapsilosis, C. orthopsilosis, and C. metapsilosis by specific PCR amplification of the RPS0 intron. International Journal of Medical Microbiology.301, 531–535 (2011).
Arnandis T.; Ferrer-Vicens I.; García-Trevijano E.R.; Miralles V.J.; Garcia C.; Torres L.; Viña J.R.; Zaragozá, R. Calpains mediate epithelial-cell death during mammary gland involution: mitochondria and lysosomal destabilization.Cell Death and Differentiation 19:1536-1548. (2011)
Hawkins, R. A.; Viña, J. R.; Peterson, D. R.; O'Kane, R.; Mokashi, A.; Simpson, I.A. Amino acid transport across each side of the blood-brain barrier.In: Amino acids in human nutrition and health.pp. 191-214.(Estados Unidos de América): Editor: D'Mello J.P.F., (2011).
Torres L.; Serna E.; Bosch A.; Zaragozá R.; García C.; Miralles V.J.; Sandoval J.; Viña J.R.; García-Trevijano E.R.NF-kappaB as Node for Signal Amplification During Weaning. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry.28: 833- 846. (2011)
Codoñer-Franch, P; Tavárez-Alonso, S; Murria-Estal, R; Megías-Vericat, J; Tortajada-Girbés, M; Alonso-Iglesias, E. Nitric oxide production is increased in severely obese children and related to markers of oxidative stress and inflammation. Atherosclerosis, 215: 475-480. (2011)
Codoñer-Franch, P; Tavárez-Alonso, S; Murria-Estal, R; Herrera-Martín, G; Alonso-Iglesias, E. Polyamines are increased in obese children and related to markers of oxidative/nitrosative stress and angiogenesis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 96: 2821-2825. (2011)
Ballester-Asensio, E; Alonso-Iglesias, E; Tavárez-Alonso, S; Murria-Estal, R; Navarro-Ruiz, A; Tortajada-Girbés, M; Codoñer-Franch, P. Circulating polyamines in childhood obesity and its relationship with oxidative stress markers. International Journal of Obesity, 35 (Suppl 2) S151, (2011)
Codoñer-Franch, P; Valls-Bellés, V; Arilla-Codoñer, A; Alonso-Iglesias, E. Oxidant mechanisms in childhood obesity: the link between inflammation and oxidative stress. Translational Research, 158: 369-384 (2011)
Simó-Jordá, R; Fernández-Castaño, MT; Tavárez, Alonso, S; Murria-Estal, RM; Megías-Vericat, J; Tortajada-Girbés, M; Alonso-Iglesias, E; Codoñer-Frach, P. Parámetros del metabolismo del óxido nítrico en niños obesos y su relación con marcadores de riesgo metabólico y estrés oxidativo. Revista Española de Pediatria, 67: 21-22. (2011)
Neganova, I., Vilella, F., Atkinson, S.P., Lloret, M., Passos, J.F., von Zglinicki, T., O'Connor, J.E., Burks, D., Jones, R., Armstrong, L., Lako, M. An important role for CDK2 in G1 to S checkpoint activation and DNA damage response in human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells. 29:651-659. (2011)
Pinti, M., Gibellini, L., De Biasi, S., Nasi, M., Roat, E., O'Connor, J.E., Cossarizza, A. Functional characterization of the promoter of the human Lon protease gene. Mitochondrion 11:200-206. (2011)
Yáñez, A., Megías, J., O'Connor, J.E., Gozalbo, D., Gil, M.L. Candida albicans induces selective development of macrophages and monocyte derived dendritic cells by a TLR2 dependent signalling. PLoS One. 6(9): e24761. (2011)
Zarzoso, M., Such-Miquel, L., Parra, G., Brines-Ferrando, L., Such, L., Chorro, F.J., Guerrero, J., Guill, A., O'Connor, J.E., Alberola, A. The training-induced changes on automatism, conduction and myocardial refractoriness are not mediated by parasympathetic postganglionic neurons activity. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Oct 4. (2011) 
Tolosa,L., Pinto, S., Donato, M.T., Lahoz, A., Castell, J.V., O'Connor, J.E., Gómez-Lechón, M.J. Development of a multiparametric cell-based protocol to screen and classify the hepatotoxicity potential of drugs. Toxicol Sci. 2012 Feb 13 (2011)