Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in Archeology Logo del portal


  • Iberians visit the Faculty

    Iberians visit the Faculty of Geography and History

    6 may 2016

    Iberians will visit the Faculty of Geography and History the next 12 May during a seminar organised  by Universitat de València Prehistory,Archeology and Ancient History Department together with University Institute of Educational Creativity and Innovation (IUCIE) and Museu de Prehistòria de València.

  • Agres, por tripadvisor

    Recall of the Archaeological Excavation in Agres 2014

    25 april 2016

    The excavation of the site of la Mola d’Agres that is compiled in the video belongs to the 2014 campaign, financed by the Directorate General of Historical Heritage of the Valencian Department of Culture of the Valencian Government. It was directed by Elena Grau and Jose Luis Peña, the two professors of the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universitat de València

  • Cartell de l'excavació

    Excavació Arqueològica La Cova de les Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alacant)

    22 april 2016

    S'obri el termini per a participar en la campanya d'excavació 2016 en el jaciment arqueològic de la Cova dels Cendres (Teulada-Moraira, Alacant) . La campanya es desenrotllarà durant el mes de Setembre i la primera quinzena d'Octubre, i es podran fer estades completes o quinzenals.

  • Programme of Museu de Prehistòria

    The Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia plans spring readings and children’s workshops, conferences and visits à la carte

    12 april 2016

    The Museu de Prehistòria de Valencia presents its programme for the coming months of April, May and June that will be marked by children’s workshops, animations in the children’s library, conferences and visits à la carte, among other activities.

  • La bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent), de Dival

    La Bastida de les Alcusses (Moixent): life of Iberians 2,300 years ago

    10 march 2016

    Knowing how life was in an Iberian village 2,300 years ago is possible thanks to the archaeological research developed in sites such as La Bastida de les Alcusses, located at the area of Moixent.