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Dismantling Lara Croft. Women, Archaeology and University

Cartell de l'activitat

A retrospective on the role of women in the Department of  Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universitat de València from the 30s until today.

3 march 2016

Dismantling Lara Croft. Women, Archaeology and University” is a monography produced by the Espiera mates which was published at SAGVNTVM as an extra volume; it aims at developing a retrospective on the role of women in the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universitat de València from the 30s until today.

The work is structured in three main parts. The first of them is Les dones en el punt de mira, which includes a series of publications on Archaeology and Gender. Subsequently, the second part is Un repàs a casa nostra, which tells the historical pathway of the Prehistory and Archaeology Department of the Universitat de València and the role played by women in it. The third part is entitled I com que no tot és Acadèmia (and everything is not Academy), a collection or reflections on the role of archaeologists outside the academic environment: museums, rescue archaeology, or Archaeology companies.

Additionally, the work counts with several very interesting annexes such as the bibliographical files of this volume’s protagonists as well as a great quantity of photographs (many of them yet unpublished) which enable going over Valencian Archaeology since the beginning of the 20th Century.

The work counts with the participation of Margarita Díaz-Andreu, Mireia López-Beltrán, Consuelo Mata, Carmen Aranegui, Paula Jardón, Begonya Soler, Paloma Berrocal and Helena Bonet, authors of a great part of the articles included in the monograph. The SeDI (Information and Promotion Service) of the Universitat de València, bestowed the economic aid for its development; the Equality Unit of the Universtat de València, for the information and images and all the staff within the Department of Prehistory and Archaeology of the Universitat de València for its dedication.

This monograph originated in an activity carried out in 2012 by Espiera “Dismantling Lara Croft. Women, Archaeology and University” which counted with a photography exhibition, a documentary and a series of conferences.