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Vilafamés request help to the Valencian Government to preserve its heritage

Town of Vilafamés

Carmen Amoraga, general director of Culture and Heritage of the Valencian Government visited yesterday the city of Vilafamés, has requested to the Valencian Government financial investment that allows for preserving the historic quarter. The mayor of Vilafamés, Abel Ibáñez, and the councillor for Culture, Longi Gil, transmit to Amaroga that its municipality concentrates a great cultural heritage of singular interest, it even includes elements declared Bien de Interés Cultural (Asset of Cultural Interest - BIC).

26 february 2016

Carmen Amoraga, general director of Culture and Heritage of the Valencian Government visited yesterday the city of Vilafamés, has requested to the Valencian Government financial investment that allows for preserving the historic quarter. The mayor of Vilafamés, Abel Ibáñez, and the councillor for Culture, Longi Gil, transmit to Amaroga that its municipality concentrates a great cultural heritage of singular interest, it even includes elements declared Bien de Interés Cultural (Asset of Cultural Interest - BIC).

The councillors of the city delivered to the director of Culture and Heritage a notebook with all the data sheets of each archaeological and architectural element with the characteristics and the proposals of restoration and remodelling. Furthermore, they explained that a small town as theirs, which does not reach 2,000 inhabitants, cannot take over the cost that the different architectural and archaeological needed interventions cost to maintain such patrimonial goods and, for that reason, it is necessary that the Valencian Government destines a budget line for the conservation of these elements, some of which need to be restored and maintained.

Ibáñez and Gil also explained that there are other places that “need to be remodelled to attract visitors as a centre of historic and archaeological interpretation in a didactic way. In this sense, the heritage ensemble is wealth but, at the same time, is a great responsibility for the city hall to maintain it in good condition.”

The mayor and the councillor for Culture emphasised that “the historic heritage requires investments to turn it in a resource for tourism that at short term will economically impact not only in Vilafamés but also in the nearby villages” and that “the restoration and maintenance of the architectonic assets also had a direct impact in the generation of jobs for the companies of the construction sector, the most affected the crisis of the property bubble”.