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Special assistant grants for exceptional situations for students who are taken official studies in the centres of the University of Valencia, academic year 2013-2014.

[Full regulations of the call, PDF, in Valencian]

The University of Valencia is well aware that for various reasons may be some students in precarious economic situation, as a result of special circumstances, it considers necessary to establish special assistance grants for such cases, in order no one will be excluded of the university due to economic reasons, within the existing budgetary limits.

Exceptional situations
The applicants must allege a drastic reduction of household incomings, as a result of an exceptional situation occurred during the academic year 2013-2014.

To obtain these grants, the following cases are considered exceptional situations: 

  • Death of a member of the family unit, who previously provided incomes, which supposes an observable reduction of the household incomes.
  • Divorce or separation, which supposes an observable reduction of the household incomes.
  • Long-term serious illness, of some member of the family unit, who previously provided incomes.
  • Families in which one of its members, who previously provided incomes becomes a pensioner, which signifies a verifiable reduction in the household incomes.
  • Applicants belonging to the group of women victims of gender violence.
  • Families whose economy may be affected by natural disasters.

Academic requirements

  • To be enrolled in the University of Valencia, in at least 30 credits in the studies leading to obtaining the following qualifications: licenciatura, Diplomatura (Former Spanish Undergraduate Degrees), Engineer, Undergraduate Degree or Official Master’s Degree, during the academic year 2013-2014.
  • Must have been enrolled in the last university academic year of at least 30 credits.
  • Must have passed at least the 30% of enrolled credits.
  • Do not have or meet the legal requirements for the issuance of a university degree.

Economic requirements

The households’ income of applicants should not exceed during the fiscal year in which the exceptional situation occurred the following income thresholds:

  • Families of 1 member: 15.839 euros
  • Families of 2 members: 27.073 euros
  • Families of 3 members: 36.744 euros
  • Families of 4 members: 43.846 euros
  • Families of 5 members: 47.778 euros
  • Families of 6 members: 51.228 euros
  • Families of 7 members: 54.601 euros
  • Families of 8 members: 57.928 euros
  • From the eight member, 3172 euros will be added for each new earning member.

Earning members of the family unit (for the application of this grant)

  • For calculating the household incomes for the application of the grant, are considered earning members of the family, the father and mother, the guardian in charge of the protection of the minor, where appropriate, the applicant, unmarried siblings under 25 years old and living in the family home on 31 December 2012 or the siblings of legal age, in the case of people with disabilities. As well as the ascendants of parents those who prove their residence in the same home with the corresponding municipal certificate.
  • In the case of the applicants who constitute an independent family unit, the spouse or, if applicable, spousal equivalent relationship, as well as the children if any and who live in the same address, are also considered earning members.
  • In the case of divorce, legal or de facto separation of the parents is not considered earning member the one not residing with the applicant.
  • However, the new spouse or person with equivalent relationship will be considered earning member, whose incomes and assets will be included in the computation of household incomes.
  • In cases where the applicants claim their family and economic independence, irrespective of their marital status, they must certificate reliably that they have enough economic means which allow such independence as well as they have to prove the ownership or rental agreement of their habitual residence.


Application forms and deadlines

The application forms must be submitted, duly completed, using the form available in ENTREU, electronic site of the University of Valencia [].
The deadline for submitting the application forms will be open until 30 June, 2014.


Through the electronic application form, you must provide the following documentation:

  • Authorising document to collect the certificates issued by the State Tax Agency (AEAT) signed by all earning member of legal age of the family unit.
  • In the case of no authorization mentioned in the previous point, or in the case of not having made the tax declaration corresponding to the fiscal year 2012, or when the exceptional situation occurred in the fiscal year 2013, the applicant must provide the accrediting documents of the household incomings (SERVEF incomes certificate, contracting entity or receipt of pensions or benefits payments, etc.)
  • Documentation that certifies the exceptional situation claimed.