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The Doctoral Programme in Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering aims to train doctors in the field of Chemical Engineering in general and Environmental Engineering specialization in particular.

This programme is linked to a pre-existing one: Official Postgraduate Programme in Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering (RD 56 /2005) of the Universitat de València. The doctoral studies will guarantee, as a minimum, the acquisition by doctoral students of the basic competencies listed under the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES), namely: systematic understanding of a field of study of legal sciences, and mastery of its skills and methods of research; ability to conceive, design or create, implement and adapt a substantial process of research and creation; ability to make a critical and assessment analysis, and synthesis of new and complex ideas, as well as communication with the academic and scientific community and society in general about their fields of knowledge; and and ability to promote, within academic and professional contexts, scientific, technological, social, artistic or cultural advance in a knowledge-based society.

The interest and academic, scientific or professional relevance of the Doctoral Programme in Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering is illustrated by the following considerations:

  • Past experiences: This proposal involves the transformation of the Official Postgraduate Programme in Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering of the Department of Chemical Engineering (RD 56 /2005), currently in force at the Univesitat de València. This programme got the Award for Excellence for the academic years 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015.
  • The Programme’s weighted overall grade obtained in the Assessment of the application was 93 out of 100. The official Doctoral Studies in Chemical, Environmental and Process Engineering comes from the adaptation of the Doctoral Programme "245 B Chemical Engineering” of the Department of Chemical Engineering, doctoral studies related to the qualifications architecture prior to Bologna reform (RD 778/1998).