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The organisation and supervision of work placements are governed by the very rules of the university specified in:



The formats and models of the required documents can be downloaded from the work placements webpage of the ETSE.

The coordinator of the work placements of this master’s degree will be selected by the Master’s degree academic coordinating committee. This coordinator will be part of the Work Placement Committee of the centre. The work placement coordinator of the master’s degree along with the Work Placement Committee of the centre, and the Office of the Director of the Department of Chemical Engineering shall propose the corresponding academic tutors to each student assigned with work placements.

These tutors will be chosen by the teaching staff of the Department of Engineering belonging to areas of knowledge with teaching in this Master’s degree. The functions of the academic tutor are: to ensure the proper development of the training project, to monitor the work placements in coordination with the collaborating institution, to carry out the evaluation process and to inform to the work placement coordinators of the centre and the Master’s degree about possible incidents that may arise. The company, institution or entity, where the work placements will be carried out, will assign a professional for tutoring the students. During this period, the tutor will be responsible for advisory and management tasks, and, when appropriate, s/he will act in coordination with the university tutor.

Students may propose an auto practicum after filling out the appropriate form indicating the required data of the company or entity and the activities to be carried out. This information will be sent to ADEIT after approval by the Work Placement Committee (CPC).
The office of the secretary of the ETSE-UV centre is responsible of managing the students’ application process by developing a list of students who meet the requirements (paragraph 5.1). The criteria to sort the list will be the same used to obtain the order of registration of the current academic year regardless of the degree by accessing the internship. Students applying for curricular internships shall take precedence over those applying for extra-curricular internships.

Once this list is published, students may choose one or more work placements (ordered by preference) among the catalogue provided by ADEIT. At the request of the CPC and taking into account the work placement features, specific criteria for the selection of students in each of the internships may be added.

After carrying out the selection process, the office of the secretary of the centre will perform the distribution of the work placements and will inform each student and the CPC of the result of this process. Once the academic tutor to each internship is assigned, the result of the allocation will be forwarded to ADEIT in order to propose the selected applicant to the company, institution or entity. ADEIT shall carry out the formalities and documentation for conducting the work placement.

Students must be enrolled in the corresponding subject of Work Placements in order to carry out a curricular internship.