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A chemical engineer’s specific tasks are to study, make feasible, construct, install, work and maintain industries involved in chemical, physic-chemical and bioengineering processes, its complementary facilities and its equipment, machines, devices and instruments. Additionally, the competences developed during their training allow them to carry out a wide variety of tasks.

In this regard, a Chemical Engineer is a versatile professional with the ability to work in a wide range of sectors, carrying out very diverse professional activities.

The current labor market increasingly demands this type of professional profile, where in addition to having specific training in Chemical Engineering, this professional has the ability to adapt to work effectively in multiple professional fields. In fact, the most recent job placement studies not only show that practically all of the master graduates were job active, but also held technical positions or with people in charge and with a profile adjusted to their level and professional field.

Among the sectors with professional opportunities for chemical engineers are, the traditional scope, the industry of chemical processes and similar (food industry, refined industry, environmental and biotechnological applications, etc.) but also within engineering and technical assessment companies, or, finally, in the public scope.

Additionally, due to their training, the students are able to carry out several professional activities such as project direction, process and operation design, equipment maintenance, management, research, development and innovation tasks such as consultant, auditor and responsible for management integrates systems (quality, environment, prevention) and project assessment , technical and legal consultancy as well as medium and university teaching.