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ETSE-UV renews the accreditation of three of its official master’s degrees

  • June 12th, 2019
ETSE-UV renews the accreditation of three of its official master’s degrees

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the Universitat de València (ETSE-UV) has obtained the favourable resolution of the Council of Universities to renew the accreditation of three of its official master’s degrees: the Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering, the Inter-university Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering and the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering. Thanks to this renewal, approved on 5th June 2019 by the Council of Universities, ETSE-UV guarantees the validity of the title and updates the recognition that classifies these master’s degrees as offical master’s degree for the following 4 years.

This official of re-accreditation of the 7 master’s degrees of ETSE-UV include University Master’s Degrees in Bioinformatics, Data Science, Web Technology, Cloud Computing and Mobile Applications and Engineering of Telecommunications. In addition, the school offers 7 degrees specialised in computing science, telematics, multimedia, electronics of telecommunication, industrial electronics, chemical engineering and data science, the latter being introduced in the last academic year. ETSE-UV also offers university specific degrees in the fields of engineering and data science.