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Graduation of the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance promotion 2021/22

  • December 12th, 2022
graduation certificate

Formers students of the MFC, Carlos García Altur, Financial Advisory Manager in Deloitte, and Marc Manzana, Analyst in Deloitte Financial Advisory, were the focus of attention in the Master’s Graduation Ceremony of the UV Faculty of Economics, 2021/22.

The Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance was honoured to propose the Godfather of the Promotion of the 16 masters in the Faculty of Economics of the Universitat de València, as well as the representative student of this promotion 2021/22 of newly graduates.

Carlos García Altur, Financial Advisory Manager in Deloitte Comunitat Valenciana, student of the Master’s Degree in its first promotion, MFC 2014/15, was chosen as a Godfather of the Master’s Degree Promotion in the Faculty of Economics academic year 2021-22. In his speech, Carlos highlighted the importance of working with a team spirit: “If you benefit from your colleague’s experience, taking advantage of the wealth given by the diversity of different perspectives, you will lead towards a common objective”. 

The Deloitte manager also encouraged the new promotion students to adopt a “middle or long term view” when making decisions according to the professional career. “This first years of professional career will be a great investment on learning how to work”, explained Carlos García, and advised: “Never stop studying. Never put out the flame of curiosity nor the thirst for knowledge because in the current word the ability of learning, unlearning and relearning is the key for success”.

On the other hand, Marc Manzana, a new integrated analyst in Deloitte Financial Advisory, and student of the MFC of the promotion 2021/22, was selected as representative of the students. Marc Manzana, in its emotional speech put emphasis on “the values of team spirit, effort and work” that the Master’s Degree in Corporate Finance teach, and added: “Now we have to transfer all the things learned in the Faculty of Economics to the business world and make our contribution to society”.

Thanks Carlos García Altur and Marc Manzana for your excellent advises and dedicated words to the graduates of the 16 Master’s Degree of the UV Faculty of Economics promotion 2021/22!
