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Forensic psychologist Miguel Ángel Alcázar analyses drug addiction within the framework of juvenile justice

  • April 12th, 2022
Faculty of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology.

On 28 April, the lecture given by Miguel Ángel Alcázar, lecturer at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Psychology. This talk has been organised by the Official Master's Degree in Drug Addiction: Research, Treatment and Associated Pathologies.

On Thursday 28 April, at 17:00, the conference entitled Las drogodependencias desde el punto de vista de la psicología forense en la justicia de menores (Drug dependence from the point of view of forensic psychology in the juvenile justice system) will be given by Dr. Miguel Ángel Alcázar, forensic psychologist and lecturer in the Department of Biological and Health Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Miguel Ángel Alcázar has been a forensic psychologist for the Spanish Ministry of Justice since he took up the post in 1998. He has combined this work with teaching since 2006, when he started as an associate professor at the Carlos III University of Madrid. The following year, in 2007, he began his work at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where he is now an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Psychology. He is also principal investigator in several projects on risk factors in situations of online grooming of minors, health status and quality of life in people who use cannabis for therapeutic purposes and on the health status of ayahuasca users in Spain.