Entry profile
Drug addiction constitutes a central problem of public health in developed countries. The abused drugs use influences on the population and illegal drugs have a bigger prevalence in the younger population, which creates to all of them inability and great morbidity for the suffering of very diverse pathologies, among which is included the neuropsychiatric.
The social and health demands in drug addictions is faced by many professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, etc.); nevertheless, the complexity of the management of drug addiction requires a specialisation that covers a specialised training with a strong multidisciplinary character.
1.- The DIPTA master’s degree is characterised by its multidisciplinary nature, in which basic and applied sciences intervene, such as Psychology, Medicina, Nursing, etc.
2.- It offers a comprehensive training for all the students and goes in depth in specific training areas, according to the profession or origin and to the motivations of each student.
3.- You may access the Master’s Degree with the following degrees:
- Titulation of licenciatura, diplomatura (former Spanish undergraduate degrees) or undergraduate degree in the biopsychosanitary (Psychology, Medicina, Pharmacy, Nursing, etc.) or of social intervention (Social Work, Social Education or Occupational Therapy). It values the area of knowledge of the studios of degree made awarding 4 points to the degree of psychology and 2 points degrees of the area of health.
4.- Besides, graduated in other areas coming from the health care and preventive professional practice in drug addiction can also access it.
5.- It considers also, the motivation to make the máster awarding 5 points first election option; 2 points second option; 0.5 third option.