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The Programme Comission of Academic Coordination (CAA, formed by a representative of each of the research lines and teams) is responsible for carrying out the admission of the students that apply for their entry in the same, from the following criteria:
-Adequacy at the entry profile (Degree in Psychology, Master’s degree preferably in the scope of Psychology, methodological knowledge and English language knowledge), accepted by the CAA (30%)
-Valuation of two recommendation letters of the applicant for his acceptance in the programme, signed by two university professors or researchers with proven experience in the field of Psychology.  Valuation of a letter of commitment to the direction of the thesis by a professor in the doctoral program, different from the profesor that signs the letter of recommendation (20%)
-Academic record (40%)
-Prior achievements in research (congresses, publications, grants, participation in projects...) (10%)
-If the CCA considers it necessary, it will carry out a personal interview with the proper candidates to evaluate their dedication to the project, the adequacy at the student profile at the programme requirements, his interests about the research in psychology, as well as his prior level of methodological knowledge and English language knowledge. In case of
carryin out an interview, its outcome shall be bound for the admission programme.
The applicants that prove labour activity during at least a 50% of the workday, or familiar responsibilities duly accredited (care of family members) could opt to the incorporation at the programme as part-time students. Additionally, full-time doctoral students could change to part-time students if one of the two circumstances mentioned above happen suddenly. The cessation of the aforesaid situations will entail the change to full-time student.
According to the Royal Decree 1892/2008, of 14 November, which regulates the conditions for accessing to official university undergraduate degrees and the admission procedures to Spanish public universities, the 5% of places available will be reserved for students who have a recognised disability of at least 33%, as well as for those students with permanent special educational needs associated with personal circumstances of disability, who during their previous academic life have needed resources and support for their full educational normalisation.