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The Master's Degree Final project has a general regulation for all the Master's Degree of the UV detailed in the UV website, in the section Postgraduate Courses, Official Master's Degree, Master's Degree Final Project.

At Master's Degree in Experimental Techniques in Chemistry, students must make a single experimental work related to the use of various experimental techniques that are studied in the Master's Degree and belonging to one of the lines of research of the departments involved in teaching.

The subject consists of 18 ECTS, with a presentiality 80% (336 hours of experimental work, 23 hours of tutorials for the preparation of the report and the work exposure and 1 hour for the act of public defence of the work).

The Tutor Prof. of the Final Project of each student is always a PDI (teaching and research staff) Doctor (as for the other subjects of the Master) belonging to any of the consolidated research groups of the departments involved in the teaching of the Master's Degree, and whose curriculum researcher has been awarded the prior approval of the Academic Coordinating Commission of the Master's Degree for directing or co-directing the work.

At the end of each academic year it is published on this website (for the academic section) the list of lines of research that is carried out by the teachers participating in the Master's Degree, in which students could enter to do their Master's Degree Final project .

Similarly, the Academic Coordinating Commission, at the proposal of the Master's Degree Teacher, provides a list of titles of topics offered for the Master's Degree Final Project (as well as the names of the corresponding tutors), in sufficient numbers so that students have a wide variety of topics for the election. This list is also published in this website (section on the academic year).

The period in which the work is performed is between January and June of each academic year, in the schedule finalized by agreement between the student and Prof.Tutor.

The evaluation of the Master's Degree Final project is performed by a Tribunal appointed for the purpose in each academic year, taking into account the report of Prof. Tutor on activities undertaken by the student, the report submitted and the oral presentation and public defence exhibition performed.

In order to be evaluated, the student must deposit the memory of the Master's Thesis by email to and, before the date indicated in the Calendar Activities for each course.

They must include:

• Master's Thesis Report in PDF format.

The Tutor of the Master's Thesis must send by email to and, before the date indicated in the Activities Calendar, the Evaluation completed and digitally signed.

The length and format of the report must be:

  • Length: 50 pages maximum, including all material (text, references, tables, figures, etc..)
  • Format:
    • Font: Times New Roman.
    • Size: 12.
    • Spacing: normal.
    • Margins: the four will be 3 cm.

Means for evaluating the quality of the Master's Degree Final Project

The quality of the final project works is guaranteed by the researching quality of the professors who lead the works and their high level of scientific productivity in prestigious journals in the field of the Master's Degree.

In addition, the process of student assessment by the Tribunal involves an assessment of the quality of the final project work. The objectivity of the evaluation of the quality of work is enhanced by the fact that members of the Tribunal are not working directors, acting deputy when the Tribunal presents a study conducted by a member of the Tribunal owner.