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The 13th ELE Forum turns Valencia into the heart of teaching Spanish as a foreign language

More than 200 Spanish language teachers come together in the 13th ELE Forum of the Universitat de València on 10 and 11 March.

6 march 2017

The 13th edition of the Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language Forum (ELE), one of the main professional encounters of the field, is celebrated this year. In this edition, more than 200 professors and researchers of Spanish language will bring together on 10 and 11 of March at the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the UV.

During these two days of meeting, the professors will exchange experiences and will address the main novelties in researching, content and teaching techniques and learning of ELE.

Currently, according to the Instituto Cervantes, more than 21 millions of foreign students are studying our language. For this reason. The Forum programme combines communications and workshops where professionals of the field present its practical experiences to share their work methods, activities and resources.


Programme XIII ELE Forum 2017

Antonio Briz, Virginia González and Jorge Martí, directors of the Forum, have designed a programme that opts for pedagogical innovation.

On Friday 10 of March will be celebrated four workshops and a conference:

  • In the Joan-Tomàs Pujolà workshop (Universitat de Barcelona / Editorial Difusión) they will speak about the use of the mobile devices in the ELE classroom which have become an indispensable tool in the classrooms.
  • Ana Martínez (PROLINTER / Editorial Difusión) will explain in her workshop what is the reversed class and if it is viable in all the contexts of teaching of ELE.
  • The comic as a communicative and creative product in the Spanish classroom will be the workshop given by Francisco José Herrera (Clic Internacional House de Cádiz), since although there has not been a lot of academic attention to the comic, it has always been present in the Spanish classroom.
  • On its part, Pilar Concheiro (University of Iceland) will explore the application of social networks as digital learning spaces.
  • The conference of the 10 March will come from Xosé A. Padilla (University of Alicante) and will offer some keys to face the pronunciation problems of the students.

During the second session of the XIII ELE Forum will be introduced around 50 practical experiences, where the participants will be able to extract interesting ideas to put into practice in their classes.

Inmaculada Martínez (International Centre for Advanced Spanish Studies CIESE-Comillas) will be the responsible of giving the closing conference of the Forum and she will talk about corpus linguistics and inductive grammar.

The 13th Teacher of Spanish as Foreign Language Forum has been organised by the Department of Spanish of the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València. In it, also collaborate the Office of the Vice-Principal for Research and Third Cycle of the UV, the Graduate of Training of Teachers of Spanish as Foreign Language of the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, editorial Difusión, Tecnolingüística SL, Institute for Applied Languages (IULMA) , RutaELE, the Languages Centre of the Universitat de València, Taronja School and Hispania, Spanish language school.

The statistics of Spanish

The organisers of the Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language Forum of the UV affirm that it is important to hold meetings of professional exchange like this one, since at the moment there are more than 21 million foreign students of Spanish in the world.

Spanish is, with 472 million native speakers, the second most spoken language on the planet, behind the Chinese, according to the Cervantes Institute Report “Spanish: a living language". In 2016, the 7.8% of the population was Spanish-speaking; and the interest in learning this language is constantly growing.


The enrolment period for both attendees and communicators is open telematically until next Wednesday 8 March.

If you need more information about schedules or registration to the XII Forum you can visit the website or the Facebook page.