This department, which is responsible for the Master’s Degree in Hispanic Studies, will co-organise this conference in the Faculty of Philology, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València.
27 may 2016
This “International Linguistic Mitigation Conference: Semantic and Pragmatic Perspectives” is the result of the collaboration between this department, the Es.Var.Atenuación (The Pragmatic Mitigation in Spoken Spanish: its Diaphasic and Diatopic Variation) project, the research group of the UV Val.Es.Co (Valencia, Spanish, Colloquial) and the Inter-university Institute for Applied Modern Languages (IULMA).
For three days, more than 100 researchers from around the world, experts in mitigation, vague language and evidentiality, as well as linguistics students, will find in the faculty a phenomenal place to meet, debate and present their research works on mitigation from different approaches, as well as the “multiple phenomena associated to linguistic mitigation”.
Among the subjects to be discussed, there is: the vagueness phenomena, approximation mechanisms, phonic resources, variation in the use of mitigation according to diatopic, diastratic or diaphasic factors, resolution of methodological problems or linguistic phenomena in the mitigation and evidentiality interface.
Although the official language of the conference is Spanish, there will also be presentations in other languages, such as the plenary session, on Wednesday 15, by the professor Claudia Caffi (La mitigazione. Un modello di analisi integrato), Panel Sessions on Thursday 16 (Vaguely Speaking in the Language Classroom), or different sessions in Portuguese on Friday 17.
Follow this link for the detailed Programme of the Conference
The chairs of the event are Marta Albelda and Antonio Briz Gómez, both professors of the Master’s Degree in Hispanic Studies. Some professors like Jorge Martí Contreras and Amparo Soler Bonafont also participate, whereas others are members of the Scientific Committee of the conference: Milagros Aleza izquierdo, Adrián Cabedo Nebot, María Estellés Arguedes, Virginia González García, Antonio Hidalgo Navarro, Salvador Pons Bordería and Julia Sanmartín Sáez.
Also, former and current students of the University Master’s Degree in Advanced Hispanic Studies will present their research works in the conference, and some will be part of the Organising Committee as well.
The registration period to attend the conference as a speaker, with a poster or as an attendant without presentation, will be open until 15 June at the indicated rates. There will also be two optional activities along the week: the conference dinner and a visit to the Albufera.
All the information regarding the conference is available at the webpage of the Es.Var.Atenuación project.
Published by: Anthony Nelson Hosey