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The Master’s Degree final project is ruled by the Regulations of theMaster’s Degree Final Project in the Universitat  de Valencia.

Master’s Degree Final Project application deadline and number of works directed by the professor.

Students may talk to teachers in order to request the direction of the Master’s Degrees Final  Project, from the begining of the teaching until the 27 February 2015.

Each professor of the Master’s may direct to a maximum of two Master’s Degree Final Project per each academic year.

Assessment criteria

The Master Degree Final Project will be assessed by the Committee taking into account the following criteria:

  1. Contents
    1. General approach of the project. General and specific competencies:
    2. Methodology and Work Plan
    3. Application of the acquired knowledge during the teaching of the Master’s degree
    4. Results
  2. Formal aspects
    1. Work structure andindex
    2. Composition, grammar and writing
    3. Degree of completition and accurancy od the work
  3. General criteria
    1. Maturity level of the completed project Oral presentation
  4. Oral presentation
    1. Mastery of the oral presentation
    2. Ability for synthesing
  5. Tutor’s report
         Tutor’s valuation of the Master Degree Final Project

Calls and defence periods

The subject of the Master’s Degree final project has two calls per academic year and several defence periods.

  1. For the first call the following defence period is established from 1 to 1o July.
  2. For the second call a defence period from the 20 to the 30 September is established:

Submission y defense del Master’s Degree Final Project

Deadline for Master’s Degree Final Project submission:

  • First call: 26 June 2015
  • Second Call: 1 September 2015

Deadline for Master’s Degree Final Project submission:

  • First call: 17 July 2015
  • Second Call: September 18, 2015

Submission request.

The Master Degree Final Project should be summitted before the deadline for each call and it will be defended within the established period once convened by the committee. The date, time and  place of the defence of each Master Degree Final Project will be notified via e-mail  by the Master Degree Final Project director to the corresponding students and it will be also made publish in the notice board of the faculty sufficiently in advance.

Those interested students will submit the defense and assessment application form for the Master’s Degree Final Project through the virtual branch Entreu With student’s profile the option “Master’s Degree Final Project” will be choosen. To acceed, students have to identify themselves with the user name and password of the uv (the same they use for their e-mail)

To submit the application, it is necessary to be enrolled in the corresponding subject to Master’s Degree Final Project. The details of the tutors shall be included in the application and a document with a complete report of the Master’s Degree Final Project attached, whose size is not larger than 100 Mb. This document is compulsory, inasmuch as it is a requirement for its defence and assessment, and the   application will not be effective without such document.


All Master’s Degrees Final Projects must be defended in a public session.

Students will expound their developed work before a tribunal within the period set by the Academic Coordinating Committee of the Master’s Degree and, hereafter, the members of the tribunal may discuss with students the aspects of their work they consider relevant.

The mark of the Master’s Degree final project could be challenged according to the current challenge regulations on marks of the University of Valencia.