Universitat de ValènciaMaster's Degree in History of the Formation of the Western World Logo del portal

Assessment of the 30 common compulsory credits

The assessment of the subjects will be carried out preferably by modules with two  complementary parameters:

  1. A compulsory work: (a 70% of the final mark)
  2. Attendance to class and carrying out of the complementary activities: (a 30% of the final mark)

Average will be made only on the condition that a Pass has been achieved  (equal or higher to 5 out of 10).
Thus, each student-following the instructions coordinated by the teaching staff has to carry out at least one projectfor each of the following  modules:

  • Induction to research History workshop
  • The city and the countryside
  • Patterns and social relations
  • Forms of power
  • Culture and religion
  • Complementary training

The subjects within a topic can have the same exact mark.

Request form for the execution of projects.

To carry out the projects for each of the modules the student will turn to  one of their teachers, who will accept or deny the  student’s proposal and will indicate the characteristics of the project to be developed, in accordance with  the set criteria in the subject teaching guides.

The professor will communicate the Master’s degree academic committee the students’  names whose projects they have accepted to direct and, equally, their  grade.

Master’s Degree Final Project Assessment

Check in TFM.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The module projects will be handed to the teaching grading them. The  projects’ cover will include: project title, student’s name, topic or  field of expertise it belongs to, the name of the coordinator of the topic or  specialty and the name of the teacher who has to grade it.

Deadline for Master’s Degree Final Project submission deadline:

  • First call: 26 June 2015
  • Second Call: 1 September 2015