1. The list of tutors and research lines/topics is published on the website of the Master’s and in the virtual classroom of the University, so the students can request at the end of the first academic year of the Master’s and when indicated by the director of the Master’s the assignment of the Master’s Degree Final Project (TFM) according to their preferences. The students also can propose to the director of the Master’s topics for the project. In this proposal you must indicate the topic of the project, a brief description of the same and the resources needed for its preparation. The student and the professor must sign this
proposal, in the case of being accepted, the professor will act as the tutor.
2. Each professor of the master’s degree can authorise between 1 to 3 students according to their own choice criteria. If professors determine and consider it, they can authorise more students if the interest for their topic is demanded. When students have the approval of tutoring by the professor, a direct allocation is made. In case the demand per topic and tutor exceeds the number of places, it is tutors who establish the mechanisms they consider appropriate for selecting the students (interview, tests, grades, application order, interest for the topic...).
3. The Director of the Master will ensure a proper assignment of tutors and topics and will establish the mechanisms needed for solving any incidence that may arise during the development of the project.