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Department of Social Psycology Research Topics
Prof. Isabel Balaguer Psychosocial and motivational processes: in sports, school and their relationship to the performance and welfare. Promoting positive environments.
Prof. Sofía Buelga Adolescence and violence: bullying, virtual violence, cyberbullying,cyber (violence) in love relationships.Risk behaviour and psychosocial adjustment in adolescence and youth:ecological perspective.
Prof. Isabel Castillo Psychosocial processes of the practice of sport and physical activity lifestyles of teenagers. Promoting wellbeing.
Prof. María Jesús Cava

School violence: school harassment, bullying, peer rejection, group identity, prevention. Partner violence among adolescents: related personal, family, school and social variables. Intervention programs promoting self-esteem and development of resources, improving school life and peer mediation programs

Prof. Consuelo Bernal

Psycho-social processes: emotional intelligence, empathy andcommunication. Families with children and teenagers with disabilities.

Prof. Amparo Escartí Promoting positive development: developing empathy, development of personal and social responsibility, developing skills for life
Profs. Lucia Llinares Mariam Benedito Oncological Psycology International Adoptions
Prof. Ismael Quintanilla Marketing psychosocial intervention: development cooperation, prevention of environment (environmental marketing). Communication (promotion) in planning social marketing: internet "word of mouth" graphic novel content psychosocial
Prof. Javier Pons Community development: needs assessment, participation and sense of belonging in communities. Social problems of adolescence: alcohol and other drugs. Intergroup relations: Prejudice, stereotypes.
Prof. Jose Vicente Esteve Latino gangs, adolescents in conflict with the law prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of crime: prisoners, ex-prisoners
Prof. Enrique Gracia Social attitudes towards domestic violence, social disorder and neighborhood risk, social networks, social integration and support, family socialization: parenting styles and practices, risk factors
Prof. Marisol Lila Intervention with abusers, violence Gender: Groups at risk. Attitudes of professionals, other areas of intervention. Professional training, awareness and research. Program evaluation and assessment tools
Prof. Octavio Álvarez Field of Sport Psychology: Sport and Health; Sports Performance; Motivation; Leadership.
Field of Public Bodies and Security Forces: Leadership; Organisational Culture
Department of Basic Psycology Research Topics

Profs. Mª Jesús López Latorre Ana D’Ocon

Antisocial behavior and psychological processes: Young offenders, youth violence, prevention, intervention, youngs in social risk.
Prof. Laura Dolz Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT): bibliographical and conceptual review.Implementation of AAT, evaluation of ATT programmes, observational assessmentof the human-animal interaction.
Prof. Enrique Carbonell Psychological-legal reports: Effects of psycho-legal reports in professional practice and / or the social and legal agent.
Paula Samper, Laura Dolz
Ana Tur
Psychological intervention in adoption: Paternity and maternity adopted, assessment and intervention, problems, risk factors, adaptation, adopted children, counseling and guidance, strategies, tools and key intervention.
Mª Ángeles Cerezo, Gemma Pons
Rosa Trenado
Aggression and Family: Child abuse, family interactions, micro-analysis, early mother-child interaction and quality of the inclination child, practices p / maternity competent processes of family breakdown, child abuse impact
Prof. Mª Teresa Cortes Psychosocial determinants of addictive process: assessment, psychosocial intervention in addictive behavior, heavy drinking, penalties for possession / consumption of drugs, street drinking, new patterns of drug use, youth.
Prof. Mariano Chóliz Youth and behavioral addictions: Addictions technology, gambling addiction, prevention, positive emotions.
Prof. Manuel Martí Thought and Social Interaction: Moral Thought prosocial behavior, intervening factors, university social responsibility.
Prof. Enrique Cantón Motivation, Physical Activity and Health with dependents: motivation for helping behavior, emotional processes in the care and support; dimensions of emotions in the approach / distance assignments, intervention caregivers.
Department of Developmental and Educational Psycology Research Topics
Prof. Paz Viguer Evolutionary optimization in personal and social area in childhood and adolescence, the development of tolerance and promotion of non-violence, personal skills and social resources in evolutionary optimization, positive development in childhood and adolescence.
Prof. Mª Dolores Gil Llario Sexuality: Prevention of unwanted pregnancies, healthy body image, prevention programs and promoting sexual health, unhealthy sexu: cybersex, sexual compulsivity, homophobia, HIV transmission.
Prof. Adelina Gimeno Family protection and personal development: Inclination and Resilience.
Profs Juan Carlos Meléndez, Alicia Sales Normal and pathological aging.Welfare improvement, confrontation and resilience; implementation of interventional programmes byreminiscence; autobiographical memory; mild cognitive impairment and dementia
Department of Psycological Personality, Evaluation and Treatment Research Topics
Prof. Ángela Beleña Women and health. Interpersonal violence (gender harassment, bullying, sexual harassment, adolescents: prevention and intervention. Psycopathological victims and consequences. Health Psychology. Personality. Clinical and social aspects.
Prof. Marisa García Merita Teacher training programs for the promotion of the welfare and health, lifestyles in adolescence.
Prof. Inmaculada Fuentes Cognitive rehabilitation in schizophrenia
Prof. Amelia Díaz Intervention programs caregivers of dependents.
Department of Psycobiology Research Topics
Prof. Luis Moya Violence and empathy psycobiological aspects, chronic stress and health: risk populations.
Prof. Sonia Martínez Autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Neuropsychological profile of individuals with ASD. Designing strategies to reduce stress in this population and their families.
Department of Behavioural Science Methodology Research Topics
Prof. Pedro Hontangas Ipsative measurement . Control procedures of social desirability and faking responses in tests of recruitment. Computerized adaptive tests. 
Prof. Dolores Sancerni New Technologies applied to educational response, diversity and training throughout life.