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The Academic Coordinating Committee of the Master’s establishes that all the doctors that teach in it can be members and alternate members of the thesis committees.

The committees are the following:

1st committee

  Full name Department
Official chairperson Sofía Buelga Social Psychology
Alternate chairperson María Jesús Cava Social Psychology
1st official member Ana D’Ocon Basic Psychology
1st alternate member Maite Cortés Basic Psychology
2nd official member Luis Moya Psychobiology
2nd alternate member José Vicente Esteve Social Psychology

2nd committee

  Nombre y apellido Departamento
Official chairperson Amparo Escartí Social Psychology
Alternate chairperson Javier Pons Social Psychology
1st official member Mariano Chóliz Basic Psychology
1st alternate member Mª Jesús López Latorre Basic Psychology
2nd official member Dolores Gil Llario Developmental and Educational Psychology
2nd alternate member Isabel Castillo Social Psychology

3rd committee

  Nombre y apellido Departamento
Official chairperson Marisol Lila Social Psychology
Official chairperson Enrique Carbonnell Basic Psychology
Alternate chairperson Adelina Gimeno Developmental and Educational Psychology
1st official member Paz Viguer Developmental and Educational Psychology
1st alternate member Lucía Llinares Social Psychology
2nd official member Enrique Cantón Basic Psychology
2nd alternate member José Vicente Esteve Social Psychology

There will be 6 committees (3 official and 3 alternate committees) to evaluate the Master’s degree final projects. More committees can be set up, composed of professors who teach in the Master’s degree.