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In this first option, the students enrol in 60 credits of the Master’s and they complete the Master’s in a single academic year: from September 2019 to September 2020.

The curriculum of the Master’s Degree in “Law, Business and Justice” of the University of Valencia is structured in 3 semesters developed over one academic year. Each of these semesters has its own objective and methodology, completely adapted to the nature and expectations of the future students of the Master’s and to the blended nature of the programme.

  • In the first semester (September 2019 to December 2019) is developed the Module 1 of the studies programme entitled “Law and globalisation: between sentiments (justice) and reason (legal certainty)” The module has a total of five subjects of three ECTS and is taught entirely online, using the powerful computing platforms of the University of Valencia.
  • The second semester combines substantive and methodological teachings and is taught from January to March 2020 in face to face and executive format (all afternoons from Monday to Friday) at the Faculty of Law of Valencia. In this period the students will take the module 2 “Methodological Module”, with three subjects of 3 ECTS each one. We highlight the fact that due to the peculiarities of the Official Master’s and its strong academic and research objective as a way for the possible entry to the Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Law of Valencia the second semester integrates a high percentage of methodological teachings.
  • The third semester, for its part, focuses on the elaboration of research work and its defence. The Master’s Degree Final Project (TFM) is developed individually by the student under the direct and personalised supervision of a first-rate specialist tutor in the field. The physical act of defence of the student's research work may be carried out, if authorised by the Master's Academic Coordination Committee, by videoconference.

Completing the 60 credits and obtaining the University Master’s Degree in “Law, Business and Justice” by the University of Valencia allows you to request directly the entry to the Doctoral Programme on “Law, Political Science and Criminology” of the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia, and the subsequent completion of the Doctor qualification by the University of Valencia, after the preparation and successful defence of the Doctoral Thesis.