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Audiovisual pills against machismo


The Equality Unit of the UV is creating a series of videos to raise awareness on machismo around us and prevent gender-based violence

16 september 2016

The Equality Unit of the UV has started a production of videos targeted to a young public where it is explained how machismo impregnates each element of society. These videos or ‘pills’ are useful so that we realise that rebelling against machismo and face it is essential.

The last one of these videos, the seventh of the production, published this week and reports the hyper-sexualisation of summer songs and the use of women as objects both in the lyrics and in the music videos. It is essential raise awareness on the violence promotion of these lyrics against women and on their objectification. Here you can watch the video, which analysis some lyrics of the most popular songs of summer:

As you can see, they not only are misogynist lyrics that incite to gender-based violence, but also in the videos they treat women as a mere object. The intention of this production is raise awareness on that one simple song, which may seem void of sense, hides a sexist and insulting behaviour towards women.

It is essential raise awareness on the violence promotion of these lyrics against women and on their objectification

The Equality Unit of the Universitat de València has created more videos to raise awareness on different aspects: ‘Don’t get enrolled’ is about the importance of not going to places where men pay the access and women don’t since this means that they are a merchandise. ‘Unmanufacture youself’ shows the gender stereotypes that society makes us assume and the need of rebelling against them and ‘Carnival machine’ show the hyper-sexualisation of the women costumes and their comparison with the ones created for men.  

These videos make you reflect on the importance of having a feminist view towards the world, away from prejudices and stereotypes, to be able of noticing the most quotidian machismo we live in and how we can avoid it. Is very important ending with these gestures, with these habits, to create an equal society that benefits and respects us equally, not just half of the population.

You can watch all the equally pills against gender-based violence of the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València here and all the news are available at its website or in its Facebook. Don’t miss any of its new videos!