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Description and characteristics


Occupational risks are factors related to the conditions and organisation of work (places, materials, products, tools, equipment, movements, postures, tasks, workload, etc.) that can cause damage to the health of workers. The prevention of occupational risks are actions carried out in all phases of the business activity in order to eliminate or reduce the presence of these risks.

In Spain, the prevention of occupational risks is mandatory for all companies, regardless, of their size, activity and/or private or public nature (Law 31/1995, Royal Decree 30/1997). The Spanish regulation establishes that the activities of prevention of occupationalrisks should be carried out by specialised technicians in this area, in collaboration with healthcare specialists (doctors and nurses).

The main objective of this Master’s is to enable the student for acting as Specialists in Workplace Risk Prevention and that they will be able to develop the necessary functions for the prevention of occupationalrisks in the companies in the three specialisations marked by the regulations (Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology).

The Master’s Degree in Occupational Health and Safety (MUPRL) of the University of Valencia is face to face, it lasts two academic years (minimum 100 credits) in which are included supervised work placements in companies (minimum 225 hours).