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2017 Valoritza i Transfereix Call

2017 Valoritza i Transfereix Call for carrying out proof of concept projects

The Office of the Vice-principal for Research and Scientific Policies at the Universitat de València has published the 2017 Valoritza i Transfereix Call (Resolution by the Office of the Principal on 22 September 2017) with the aim of improving the exploitation opportunities result of the researches generated by the Universitat de València as well as promoting the development and maturity of these results and enabling their transference to the socio-economic environment.

The aim of this call is to grant aids for proof of concept projects. Proof of concept projects are commercial interest validation process which resulted a research through the development of prototypes, demonstrators, real-scale proofs and other activities which may be used to verify the viability of these results application. Hence, Valoritza i Transfereix is not a call strictly directed to fundamental research projects.

Beneficiaries can be any member of the teaching and research staff belonging to the Universitat de València, as well as the contracted researching staff within the scope of public calls for the adherence of doctors or the Special Programme for the Stabilization of Rejoined Doctors at the UV, with the category of doctor and full-time doctor.

The chosen costs can include contracted staff, consumables and small equipment, travels and diets, R&D and technological service hiring and other services linked to the project development. The project’s economic award cannot be higher than 45.000 EUR

For more information, and previous to the presentation of any project, we recommend you to contact the Innovation Section: Valuation and Entrepreneurship of the

Research and Innovation service. From the Innovation Section: Valuation and Entrepreneurship we will assign a technician so that you can be guided on the application completion.


Date From 25 september 2017 to 6 november 2017. 24h. Every day.


Office of the Vice-principal for Research and Scientific Policies

Organized by

Office of the Vice-principal for Research and Scientific Policies. Research and Innovation Service.


Contact otri@uv.es

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