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Umbrellas floating on top of a narrow street
Call for proposals on FORTHEM civic engagement projects

The FORTHEM Alliance gives you the opportunity to develop and implement a civic engagement project. If you are a student of the Universitat de VALÈNCIA, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität MAINZ, Uniwersytet OPOLSKI, Università degli Studi di PALERMO, Université de BOURGOGNE, JYVÄSKYLÄN Yliopisto or LATVIJAS Universitāte, don't miss the chance! Deadline: 11th October 2020.

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Date From 21 july 2020 to 11 october 2020. 24h. Every day.


València, Jyväskylä, Riga, Opole, Mainz, Dijon, Palermo

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Contact forthem@uv.es

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