Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

Find your job in the digital age

Next 29th May, the free course “Find your job in the digital age” will be taught at the Universitat de València. This course is organised by Google in collaboration with the Employment Service of the Universitat de València, UVocupació.

The objective is the expansion of knowledge about job search in the digital world to help students to become professionally active.

The on-site course is 4 hours in duration and will take place in two shifts to choose: morning or afternoon.

More information and Registration in the following  link


  • 29 may 2019 at 09:00 to 13:30. Wednesday.
  • 29 may 2019 at 15:00 to 19:30. Wednesday.

Aula N101 del Aulario Norte de la Facultad de Economía (Campus de Tarongers), Universitat de València

Organized by

Google- UVempleo.


Contact uvempleo@uv.es

More information