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La adjudicación de plazas se conocerá el 13 de julio.
Open registration for degrees in the academic year 2018-2019

The term is from June 11 to July 6, 2018, both included, for students who have taken the university entrance exams for the 2017-2018 academic year (both in the ordinary June and the extraordinary July exams), students who already have their entry qualification for having passed the PAU in previous years, students with UNED credentials, university graduates, and training cycles and over 25, 40 and 45 years old.

The deadline is from June 12 to July 9, 2018, both included, for students from education systems of member states of the European Union or other states with which they have signed international agreements applicable in this regard (UNED credential obtained in the 2017/2018 academic year), as well as students from the EU but without access to the university and students with a bachelor's degree from outside the EU, with the approval of the Spanish bachelor's degree that the PAUs are taking at the UNED in the current academic year.


Date From 11 june 2018 to 9 july 2018. 24h. Every day.


Universitat de València

Organized by

Universitat de València.


Contact servei.estudiants@uv.es

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