Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

Mostra d'art públic
Opened the call for the XXI Mostra d'art públic

Purpose: To select five artistic projects capable of establishing an open dialogue between art and science, as an exercise and challenge of contemporary culture. They shall interact with the university space of Burjassot Campus. The projects shall be artistic interventions of ephemeral nature carried out at Burjassot Campus of the Universitat de València. They can incorporate interventions in the virtual public space.

Participants: Any legal age person from any nationality or place of residence. The projects can be presented by means of an individual or collective application. Each participant or team can present only one application and project.


Date From 23 february 2018 to 17 may 2018. 24h. Every day.


Campus de Burjassot

Organized by

Servico de Información y Dinamización de estudiantes (Sedi)

Delegación de estudiantes.



Contact sedi@uv.es

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