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Open Room of Creative Writing

Workshop taught by Francisco Rodrigo (Mislata, 1964).

He is a teacher and holds a Degree in Language Studies and a Doctorate in Language and Literature Teaching from the Universitat de València. He currently works as a Language and Literature Teaching professor in the Degree in Preschool and Primary Education of Educative Cooperative Florida Group. With Alfabet del desig he won the Vicent Andrés Estellés Poetry Prize of Burjassot 2014.

Dates: Thursday 19 and 26 October, 9, 16, 23 and 30 November and 14 December 2017.

Schedule: 19 October from 4PM to 6PM. The rest of the days from 4PM to 7PM.

Language: Valencian

Place: Blasco Ibañez Campus.

Classroom: SeDI Training Room - Aulari III


Date From 20 september 2017 to 17 october 2017. 24h. Every day.


AULARIO III Blasco Ibáñez

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Contact nauest@uv.es

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