Universitat de ValènciaFacultat d'Infermeria Logo del portal

Logo of the Teaching Innovation Project (TIP)
Conference "Facing the challenges of the 21st century in higher education"

The main objective is to motivate the student inside and outside the classroom, encouraging interest in subjects, mainly quantitative, and which students find traditionally more challenging. And that this motivation has an impact on the student's learning performance. In order to study whether the aforementioned objective has been achieved, we propose the design of Pre and Post questionnaires that students will have to fill in at the beginning and end, respectively, of the training activity.


Date 6 june 2023 at 09:00 to 13:00. Tuesday.


Manuel Sánchez Ayuso Hall – Faculty of Economics (1st floor) and online

Organized by

Teaching Innovation Project (TIP): "Development of interactive and multidisciplinary materials to promote learning and assessment in undergraduate and postgraduate studies". (UV-SFPIE_PID_2077603).



Contact maja.barac@uv.es

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