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II Conversation for Social Responsibility in the UV

Public purchase: tool for progressing towards a more responsible, fair and sustainable university

22 June

Office of the principal Assembly Hall


16.00 h. Institutional opening of Conversations on Social Responsibility in the Universitat de València.

Vice-principal of Sustainability, Cooperation and Healthy Life of the Universitat de València prof. Dra. Pilar Serra Añó

16.15 h. Responsible, fair and sustainable public purchase.


Sra. Ximena Lazo. Expert on public green purchase. Tenured university lecturer of the University of Alcalá de Henares.

Research Group Coordinator of Public Green Purchase.

David Comet. Expert in responsible consumption, Ideas Foundation Member and Technician of the Cooperation and Solidarity Area of the University of Córdoba.

Alberto Gil Costa. University of Zaragoza general manager



Sra. Nuria García Cebrián. Journalist

17.45 h. Closing

Office of the principal Assembly Hall of the Universitat de València.

Av. Blasco Ibáñez, 13. València

The activity can be seen via streaming

Required previous registration https://enquestes.uv.es/index.php/128875



Date 22 june 2023 at 16:00 to 18:00. Thursday.


Edificio de Rectorado, Blasco IBáñez 13, Salón de actos

Organized by

Vicerrectorado de Sostenibilidad, Cooperación y Vida Saludable.



Contact sostenibilitat@uv.es

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