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Entry requirements:

As general entry requirement they should be contemplated in some of the presumptions of the article 6 of the RD 99/2011 or of the second additional provision of such Royal Decree.

The recommended entry profile is for the student to have taken official master’s degree studies with advanced and accredited contents in research methodology; preferably, the Master’s Degree in Oncologic Nursery, Master’s Degree in Social and Health Care in Dependency, Master’s Degree in Public Health and Sanitary Management, Inter-University Master’s Degree in Development Cooperation, Research Orientation Specialized in Health in developing countries and Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies.

Another recommended entry profile is that of the university graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding entry test for specific health training, have passed with a positive assessment at least two training years of a programme for obtaining the official certificate of any of the specialisations If this is not possible, meetings may be held biannually throughout the five years of doctoral programme.in Health Sciences.

The Doctoral Programme in Nursing offers the possibility of accessing it through the master’s degrees related to health sciences. In this case, if an adequate training is not accredited, access to the doctoral programme will be subject to training complements which will have to be taken at the master’s degree programmes which offer the so-called.

The Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme, depending on the candidate’s training curriculum will assess their adaptation to the access to the programme and, in its case, will determine if they are required to take some modules from the Master’s degree level as an specific training complement. In any case, may the bridging courses exceed 30 credits.

Entry requirements:

As specific requirement:

a) They shall have taken the Master’s Degree in Oncologic Nursery, Master’s Degree in Social and Health Care in Dependency, Master’s Degree in Public Health and Sanitary Management, Inter-University Master’s Degree in Development Cooperation, Research Orientation Specialized in Health in developing countries and Master's Degree in Gender and Equality Policies. Holding the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats (DEA-a tertiary education degree)- obtained according to the Royal Decree 778/98– or the Research Proficiency- according to the regulations of the Royal Decree 185/85, they must have been completed it within Doctoral Programmes related to this.

b) Those who have completed other master’s studies different to those mentioned before may be also admitted. In these cases, specific training complements will be required in the level of Master’s degree being adequate and coherent to the scientific field of the doctoral programme.

The students who fulfil the requirements will entry the doctoral programme, and the Doctoral Studies Academic Committee will be the responsible for verifying the compliance of the above requirements for the admission of the applicant.

c) Candidates will be required to have a B1 level of English.