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Edifici Rectorat.

The Universitat de València receives recognition as a participant in Expofòrum 2019

  • Office of the Principal
  • October 23rd, 2019
Image de la noticia

The Ateneu Mercantil Foundation and the Cámara de Comercio of València have held the closing ceremony of Expofórum 2019, a project born to commemorate the 110 years of the Exposición Regional (Regional Exhibition) of 1909 that aims to recover the pioneering and innovative spirit of the city.

The Principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, on behalf of the academic institution, and accompanied by the General Secretary, Maria Elena Olmos, has received recognition as a participating member in Expofórum 2019 at a ceremony held at the Las Arenas on the occasion of the closing of this milestone.

The President of the Valencian Government, Ximo Puig, the Mayor of València, Joan Ribó, the President of the Ateneu Mercantil Foundation, Carmen de Rosa, the President of the Cámara de Comercio de Valencia, José Vicente Morata, the President of the Provincial Council of València, Antoni Gaspar, and other authorities and representatives of associations and public and private entities that have collaborated in the revitalization of the city in the field of culture, urbanism, economic activity or trade of the city.

During this year, Expofòrum 2019 has held numerous conferences, activities and conferences in order to highlight all those signs of Valencian identity as the culture of effort, innovation, knowledge, research, digitalization of entrepreneurship, dynamism or sustainability that were the pillars of the Exposición Regional of 1909 held in València.

The Universitat de València has actively collaborated in Expofórum 2019 with the participation of outstanding figures such as the Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Dolors Corella, and the Doctor of Mathematics Sciences, Rafael Crespo.

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