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  • CT1: Be able to work in a team and to organise and plan activities, always taking account of gender perspective.
  • CT2: Resolve tasks or carry out work in the time allotted while maintaining the quality of the result.
  • CT3: Be able to construct an understandable and organised written text.
  • CT4: Be able to distribute time appropriately for carrying out individual or group tasks.
  • CT5: Prepare and handle the writings, reports and action procedures best suited to the problems raised, using non-sexist language.
  • CT6: Be able to apply this knowledge to the professional world, contributing to the development of human rights, democratic principles, the principles of equality between women and men, solidarity, environmental protection and the promotion of a culture of peace from a gender perspective.
  • CT7: Be able to take the approaches required to reduce a problem to a manageable level.