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UVCollaboratory: Organising and dynamising film activities (2 ECTS credits)
UVCollaboratory: Organising and dynamising film activities (2 ECTS credits)

AIMED AT: Undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and postgraduate students

The aim of the UV Collaboratory is to offer students viable models for the organisation, management and creation of content for film dissemination events. It will provide answers to the most common logistical and organisational problems, as well as to the methodologies and work processes for organising a film cycle, how to conceptualise it, how to choose films so that the selection itself conveys a discourse, how to locate copies, how to finance it, how to publicise it, how to manage exhibition rights and screening spaces, how to prepare the presentation of a film, how to present it orally, how to organise the film, how to prepare and direct a discussion, etc.


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Date From 13 january 2023 to 20 march 2023. 24h. Every day.


Seminar Room Centre Cultural La Nau (3rd Floor)

Organized by

Cinema Club Universitat de València

University Culture Service.



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