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After a historical analysis of the assessment processes and the regulations generated in terms of quality (Protocol for quality assurance of official master’s degrees of the Universitat de València, approved by the Governing Council of the Universitat de València on 25 October 2005, Quality Assurance Systems of the Undergraduate Degrees, approved by the Centre Committees, of the degrees that have participated in the Institutional Assessment Programme of the Universitat de València…) the UV organises the Internal Quality Assurance system in seven dimensions:

We are going to make a brief explanation of each of the dimensions of the Internal Quality Assurance System of the Universitat de València:

TP-Training Programme

This dimension ensures quality assurance and the appropriate review of the basic and transversal aspects of a degree, the objectives of the curriculum, the entry profile of students and the career opportunities of graduates.

The processes of this dimension are the following:

Training programme TP1 Review procedure for the training programme objectives
TP2 Review procedure for students’ entry profile
TP3 Review procedure for  graduates’ profile

TO-Teaching Organisation

The purpose of this dimension is to present the mechanisms that allow the centre to ensure quality of the most important processes related to teaching organisation, it includes students recruitment, academic programming, teaching programming, etc.

The procedures included in this dimension are the following:

Teaching Organisation  TO1 Procedure for students recruitment
TO2 Procedure for selection, admission and students enrolment
OE3 Procedure for academic programming 
OE4 Procedure for teaching programming  (Teaching guides)

HR-Human Resources 

The purpose of this dimension is to systematize and ensures the improvement of teaching staff quality and of support, ensuring that the training, evaluation, promotion and recognition of them is made guaranteeing the accomplishment of the functions they have assigned.

The procedures of this dimension are the following:

Human Resources  HR1 Procedure for definition of PDI (Teaching and research staff) policy
HR2 Procedure for recruitment and selection of PDI
HR3 Procedure for assessment, promotion and recognition and incentives of PDI
HR4 Procedure for PDI training
HR5 Procedure for definition of PAS (Administrative and Service Staff) policy
HR6 Procedure for recruitment and selection of PAS
HR7 Procedure for assessment, promotion and recognition and incentives of PAS
HR8 Procedure for PAS training

MR- Material Resources and Services

The purpose of this dimension is to systematize the mechanisms available at the Centre for managing properly its services and material resources, analysing the results and applying the continuous improvement regularly and systematically.

The procedures are the following:

Material Resources and Services  MR1 Procedure for the management of material resources
MR2 Procedure for the management of services

TD - Teaching Development

This dimension regulates the teaching activities for students’ learning of the centres/degrees, based on information adapted to their needs, establishing mechanisms and procedures that ensure their effective development and continuous improvement.

The procedures included in this dimension are the following:

Teaching Development  TD1 Procedure for guiding students
TD2 Mobility Procedure for incoming students
TD3 Mobility Procedure for outgoing student 
TD4 Procedure for career guidance
TD5 Procedure for work placements integrated into the curriculum
TD6 Development process for teaching-learning procedure
TD7 Procedure for the assessment of teaching-learning

RE - Results

The purpose of this dimension is to systematize how the Centres measure and analyse the results considered important for guaranteeing the quality of its centre and its degrees. The results/reports that are generated in this dimension from the data of performance indicators and the surveys that are developed in order to know the satisfaction of the groups of interest are input information for the assessment and improvement of all procedures of Internal Quality Assurance System. Thus it guarantees that for decision making are used objective and measurable data.

The procedures are the following: 

Results RE1 Procedure for the analysis and measure of results
RE2 Procedure for the measure of groups of interest satisfaction 

QS - Assurance Quality System 

The purpose of this dimension is to ensure that quality assurance procedures of centres and degrees are implemented. The most important procedure of the assurance quality system is the development and review of quality objectives and policy, as it establishes the basis for the development of the rest of procedures of the Internal Quality Assurance System.

The specific procedures of this dimension are the following:

Quality Assurance System  QS1 Procedure for the development and review of objectives and policy quality
QS2 Procedure for quality assurance of training programmes
QS3 Procedure for public information 
QS4 Procedure for the management and review of incidents
QS5 Procedure for the design of a degree
QS6 Procedure for reccomendations and modifications of curriculums
QS7 Procedure for a degree phase out 

It is important to highlight that all procedures of the Internal Quality Assurance System conclude with the self-assessment of its development, The Quality Committees of the Centre evaluate the basic aspects, all centres should maintain the same structure in the report, in which are included the aspects to evaluate, results of indicators and of opinion surveys. This assessment should end with the specification of the key strengths, the disadvantages and the improvement proposals.