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Register of public administration officials authorised for the identification and authentication of citizens and the issuing of certified copies

Articles 12 and 27 of the Spanish Law 39/2015, of October the 1st, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administration, establish that all public sector entities (including public universities, which are part of the so-called institutional public sector) must ensure that citizens can, on the one hand, interact with the Administration by electronic meand and, on the other, obtain certified copies of public administrative or private documents. To this end, an updated register should be kept of the civil servants authorised to perform both tasks. 

Public administration officials authorised to identify and authenticate citizens

In the following link is available the list of officials designated by the Universitat de València to identify and authenticate natural personas who are not obligated to interact electronically with the Universitat de València and who do not have identification and autehtication mechanisms (digital certificate) to act electronically before its Electronic Office: 

In this link it can be downloaded the citizens's express content for identification and authentication by an authorised public official for each electronic administrative action that requires it. This document must be completed and signed by the citizend and by the authorised official, with one copy remaining in the possession of the Universitat de València and the other in possession of the citizen.

According to Article 3 of the Regulations of the General Electronic Registry of the Universitat de València (ACGUV 92/2020), the following are obliged to interact with the Universitat de València by electronic means in order to carry out any administrative procedure: legal persons, entities without legal personality, those who carry out a professional activity for which membership of a professional association is required, for the procedures and actions they carry out with the University in the exercise of this professional activity, those who represent an interested party who is obliged to interact electronically with the Administration, members of the University community, persons who are interested parties in procedures that may lead to their incorporation as members of the university community or that are the result of their previous status as members of the university community, and any other natural or legal person that the University may establish, where appropriate, for certain procedures.

Public administration officials authorised to issue certified copies

In the following link is available the list of public administration officials authorised by the Universitat de València to issue authentic electronic copies: 

In order to request the issue of a certified copy of any document issued by the Universitat de València, the applicant must:

Once the appointment has been confirmed, the applicant shall go to the General Registry Office (OAMR) of the Universitat de València (located in the Office of the Principal at the Blasco Ibañez Avenue 13, Valencia) on the stipulated date and time, with his/her ID card and the original document issued by the Universitat de València of which he/she wishes to obtain an authentic copy, without the need to provide a copy of the same.

The staff of the General Registry Office (OAMR) of the Universitat de València will proceed to make the copy or digitalisation of the documents provided, returning the original to the interested party with the body, service or unit of the Universitat de València that originally issued it or, failing that, whoever currently has attributed these competences. The interested party will receive the authentic copy of the requested document, in electronic format, at the same e-mail address used to request the appointment, within a maximum period of 15 days from the moment of its presentation at the General Registry Office (OAMR) of the Universitat de València.

The issuing of certified copies at the Universitat de València has a cost equal to the one for the certification of documents. This amount will be paid through a receipt generated in the same General Registry Office, which for this academic year has a cost of €10,96 according to the Decree 168/2021, of October the 8th, of the Council, of regulation of fees for university academic services for the academic year 2021/2022.