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cadena de genoma


On April 25th, 1953, Nature magazine published a short article about the three-dimensional structure of DNA, signed by James D. Watson and Francis C. The discovery of the harmoniuous structure of the most beautiful molecule, the secret of life, became a huge moment in the history of science, it was the start of the biological revolution.

The same year, Frederick Sanger established the sequence of amino acids components of insulin and Stanley L. Miller showed us it was possible to synthesise amino acids and other biological compounds by simulting the atmosphere of the primitive Earth.

In order to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of these important facts; the Chair for Scientific Dissemination of the Universitat de València, in collaboration with the Societat Catalana de Biologia and sponsored by the CAM, has organised this series that will tackle several aspects of the history, the present and the future of biological research. 

The series of conferences will take place at the assembly hall of the Burjassot Campus (Aulari Interfacultatiu) at 12:30h the following days:


8th May El genoma com a registre fòssil de la història
Jaume Bertranpetit
15th May Estructura de macromolècules: què queda per fer després dels primers 50 anys?
Vicente Rubio
22nd May Qui va cuinar la sopa? 50 anys de química prebiòtica
Antonio Lazcano
29th May Sobre l'origen, evolució i aplicacions del codi genètic
Lluís Ribas de Pouplana
5th June Deconstruyendo a Darwin
Javier Sampedro